
Things to Look Out for in a Window Replacement Company

Posted on the 30 January 2019 by Meet Rv @wemeetrv

As a homeowner, you obviously want the best and the most of returns when it comes to your window replacement project. And this implies two crucial aspects—getting quality energy efficient windows and ensuring their proper installation.

Of course, there are several replacement window installers out there–a fact that sometimes makes it difficult to discern the legitimate or even the most efficient dealers. This diversity creates the need for thorough research before finally contracting a window company.

However, the bottom line is trust. Take your time and go through the customer reviews on the company’s website, and if possible, request to view some of their completed projects—this is much easier if you have a friend or neighbor who has contracted the company’s services before.

Below are other key things to look out for in a window replacement company:

#1. Technical Expertise

Note that not all replacement window installers share the required expertise in window installation. There are those who specialize in full-frame replacement, others in retrofit (insert), while some do both types of replacements.

If your existing frames don’t show any signs of weather damage, then might be able to go with a retrofit installation. However, a full-frame replacement is usually more durable though more expensive. Only an expert can guide you on this safely.

A company’s specialization area is a great way to determine the quality and the performance level of their windows. Therefore, it’s always recommended that you engage the same company for supplies as well as installation.

#2. Availability of Materials

Does the company deal in your preferred choice of window materials? This can be quite difficult to establish if you’re new to the windows thing as some companies may take advantage of your naivety and sell you retrofit windows at the same price as that of a full replacement.

Also, seek to know if the company deals in energy star rated windows suitable for your climate zone.

Be sure to engage professional replacement window installers who can guide you on what windows best suit your home and area climate needs.

#3. Quality of Services

Quality service equals good reputation. Customer testimonials on the company’s website can give you a good insight into the type of services to expect.

However, you can still contact the company directly and request their references. A good company will readily provide in-depth information on the initiatives they take to ensure quality work and even go an extra mile to offer a lifetime guarantee on their services.

#4. Level of Professionalism

Not all professional window replacement dealers work with integrity. As mentioned above, some companies may gladly offer you the much-needed information while others may appear reluctant in doing so.

Therefore, ensure you take keen note of how they respond to your requests, time taken, and how satisfactory the feedbacks are. This is a great way to evaluate their professionalism as it forms an integral part of customer service.

#5. The Relevant Accreditations

Do not fall for verbal assurances when it comes to your search for replacement window installers. Ensure everything is done in writing and ask to be provided with the windows’ certification documents as this is crucial with regard to your windows’ lifespan.


Ready to take on your window replacement project? What’s your estimated cost? Does your budget suffice your project needs?

These are some of the questions you must address before contracting any replacement window installer(s).

However, don’t forget or shy away from asking your prospective window replacement dealer the following questions:

  • Are you a licensed window company in this state? If so, are you insured?

Insist to see their certification documents.

  • What level of experience do you have in the window replacement industry?

This is to ascertain how long they’ve been in the business—and the longer the period, the more experience you can expect them to have.

  • Do you have a warranty?

A warranty offers you a fallback option so that in case of any issues you know what procedures to follow and whom to contact to have the problem fixed.

Most companies will guarantee their products for up to 20 years. However, factory-authorized installation services often tend to offer a better warranty. Moreover, you can expect error-free work from factory-authorized installers since they’re trained on specific window installation options.

  • How long will the installation process take?

Indeed, good installation matters, and the faster the process the better.

  • Do you have references or photos of previous work?

This will help you know what to expect.

  • What are your payment plans? If any…
  • Do you offer after-sales services?
  • Do you deal in your own-manufactured windows?

Sometimes manufacturers tend to have different guarantee terms from installers, which, therefore, makes it even wiser to ensure that the window company you’re dealing with offers both services.

Remember, picking the right window replacement company determines how much you’ll pay for your project and most important is how durable and efficient the windows will be.

Therefore, ensure you only settle for energy star rated replacement windows and have them installed by the best-qualified and experienced installers.

Author Bio: Dan Hatcher lives in Austin, Texas where he owns When he’s not working, Dan loves to travel the Texas countryside seeking out new adventures.

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