Politics Magazine

Things Look Bad For Congressional Republicans

Posted on the 01 November 2017 by Jobsanger
Things Look Bad For Congressional Republicans
Things Look Bad For Congressional Republicans
Things Look Bad For Congressional Republicans
I found this poll interesting. It is the Rasmussen Poll -- done on October 26th and 29th of a random national sample of 1,000 likely voters, with a margin of error of 3 points.
It shows that the Republicans in Congress are not popular with any of the three political preferences. Among Republicans, 61% say their views are closer to Trump than to the Republicans in Congress (showing the party is now the party of Trump. Among Democrats, 78% say their views are closer to congressional Democrats while 13% say they agree more with Trump. And among Independents, 41% say they agree with congressional Democrats, 28% agree with Trump, and only 11% agree with congressional Republicans (possibly foretelling a flipping of Congress next year).

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