The chart above is from poll analyst Nate Silver. It shows Kamala Harris with a 3.1 point lead nationwide over Donald Trump.
This is quite a change from just a few weeks ago, when most polls were showing Trump with a lead over the Democratic candidate. Democrats have been rejuvenated by the candidacy of Kamala Harris Thousands of volunteers have joined the campaign, and donations are exceeding all expectations.
The Democratic convention is next week, and it is likely that Harris will get another boost in the polls after that. Conventions tend to have that effect.
But it is not yet the time to celebrate. I appreciate the joy and enthusiasm that has infected the Democratic campaign - and I hope it continues. But much work remains to be done.
The Republicans will assuredly dip into their box of dirty tricks. They will call Harris every name in the book. And they will accuse her of many ridiculous things. There is only one cure for that. We must continue to register voters and then make sure they get to the polls in November (or October to early vote).
Trump's cult will be voting. We need a massive turnout to counter them. Make sure you vote. Then make sure your family, friends, and neighbors do the same. A huge turnout will put Kamala Harris in the White House (and hopefully Democrats in control of Congress).
Only you can keep Trump out of the White House. And you do that by voting!