Books Magazine


By Pamelascott

The Voice of My Mind, by author T. A. Fish, is an avant-garde poetry collection that took over 5 years to complete. Each poem is beautifully crafted with great virtuosity, which haunts with extreme depth and wonder. The collection deals with themes of grief, love, spiritual enlightenment, and philosophy. From beginning to end, the poems read in a mesmerizing and captivating style, expertly flowing from one theme to the next.



[THE PYRE OF LIFE is a great treasure chest / pouring out / all / of the world's best TREASURE]


(BookBaby, 1 July 2019, 84 pages, ebook, review copy from publisher via # NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed)



I can tell the poet put a lot of thought and effort into this collection but for me this does not work on any level. The language used for the poems is overly simplistic and clunky. The poems rhyme and I am not a huge fan of intense rhymes because they are obvious and have zero impact. Unfortunately, the rhymes in every case are expected and simple and completely ineffective. At times, the rhymes and language used seemed to have no connection to the rest of the poem as if they had been shoe-horned in at random. Many lines seemed devoid of a deeper meaning. The poet took 5 years to complete this hogwash? Seriously?


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