Books Magazine

#TheTakenChild by Maria Frankland

By Pamelascott

As I race towards the lake, Toby's life unfolds before me, from the day he entered this world to his first day at school. Please let me find him. I'll do anything. But my sweet little boy is nowhere to be seen.

It kills me that the only way I can spend proper time with my son Toby is by helping out at his school camp. I sit under the emerald green pine trees and Toby's little face lights up as he runs past me, joining the other chattering, happy children around us. Then I see my ex, David, glaring at me and my heart sinks. He may have full custody, but he'd love nothing more than for me to disappear. Forever.

As the excitement of the first day at this isolated camp dies down, I cherish the long goodnight hug I get to give to my beautiful little boy. I'd do anything to get Toby back.

But my dreams for us are shattered when the next morning ends in shock and chaos. A body has been found. There's a killer in the camp. We can't trust anyone. And then my worst nightmares come true: Toby disappears.

Does the killer have my child? I've already come so far to protect Toby. How much further will I have to go, to get him back safe and sound?


Dusk is falling as I rush from the building. (PROLOGUE)


(@bookouture, 25 June 2024, e-galley, 290 pages, ARC from the publisher via @NetGalley_UK, Blog Tour 29 June)



I'm a fan of the author and have read a few of her books so was looking forward to reading The Taken Child. The blurb intrigued me. This sounded like the kind of twisty, gripping, intense read I tend to enjoy. I wasn't disappointed. I had a great time reading this book. The plot is compelling, full of drama, intense storytelling and twists and turns. I liked the characters as well. I don't think the title quite fits the book as there's so much more going on than Toby vanishing. I thoroughly enjoyed this and would recommend it.


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