Theta Network, Sony Entertainment India, and Ideographic have released an exclusive series of Bollywood icon Amitabh Bachchan’s NFTs. The collection of artworks is celebrating the 80th birthday of this great star. A multi-city NFT exhibition named “A Movable Feast” will showcase 51 selected artworks depicting the life and times of the cultural idol. Read on to find out how you can collect pieces from this historic drop.
How to buy an Amitabh Bachchan NFT on Theta network?
This exclusive series not only celebrates a cultural giant, but also the 75th anniversary of India’s independence. The series ties in Amitabh’s legendary career and how it reflects the glorious culture of India. “There are few people who can be said to have defined an era and a nation such as Amitabh Bachchan. If this series brings a fraction of the joy which Amitabh has brought throughout his art and career, we can call this effort a success”. – said Namrata Singh, Head of Digital & Metaverse, Sony Entertainment India.
Amitabh Bachchan is a renowned figure both in Bollywood and the blockchain as well. In November 2021, his first NFT drop sold over $966,000. NFTs for “A Moveable Feast” are available to buy in auctions, limited editions, and packs on the ThetaDrop NFT Marketplace. On October 21st, the NFT packs will announce the artwork. Collectors will earn $TDROP tokens for combining multiple NFT pieces from the series and completing challenges. This series has artworks from 45 different artists.
About Theta network
Theta Network is creating the next generation of video and entertainment on the blockchain. Besides, their product is a global leader in the entertainment industry with premium content collaborations with Lionsgate, MGM Studios, NASA, and more.
Theta Labs have lately developed and released the Thera Metachain as well. The Theta Metachain is a “chain of chains” which enables users to build and scale their web 3 entertainment businesses. “The partnership with SETVI, which celebrates the life of Amitabh Bachchan, is representing another crucial step toward Theta’s goal of widespread industry adoption of its Metachain as it makes the transition to Web3.” stated Mitch Liu, CEO and co-founder of Theta Labs.
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