Politics Magazine
Congress has passed a funding resolution that gives about $15 billion to help recover from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. About $7.4 billion will go to Texas, and the rest will be the first help for Florida (and Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands).
The overwhelming majority of the House of Representatives voted for the funding -- all Democrats and a clear majority of Republicans.
But there were about 90 members of the House of Representatives that voted against the resolution -- all of them members of the Republican "freedom caucus" (the extremist right-wing faction of the GOP House delegation). They decided that their ideology was more important than helping their fellow Americans, and they should all be ashamed of themselves.
But there are four of those congressmen who should be particularly ashamed of themselves, because they turned their backs on the people of their own state who were suffering from the effects of Hurricane Harvey. They are all from Texas -- Sam Johnson of District 3, Joe Barton of District 6, Jeb Hensarling of District 5, and Mac Thornberry of District 13. All of them represent North Texas districts not affected by the hurricane (and are probably hoping their constituents either don't care about other Texans, or will forget their odious vote by November of 2018).
Democrats (and other Texans with a sense of decency) should not let that happen. When the campaign rolls around next year, voters need to be reminded that these four ignorant and mean-spirited representatives voted against helping their fellow Texans (and other Americans).