Faye Bright always felt a little bit different. And today she's found out why. She's just stumbled across her late mother's diary which includes not only a spiffing recipe for jam roly-poly, but spells, incantations, runes and recitations... a witch's notebook.
And Faye has inherited her mother's abilities.
Just in time, too. The Crow Folk are coming. Led by the charismatic Pumpkinhead, their strange magic threatens Faye and the villagers. Armed with little more than her mum's words, her trusty bicycle, the grudging help of two bickering old ladies, and some aggressive church bellringing, Faye will find herself on the front lines of a war nobody expected.
Under a sunset sky streaked with pinks and yellows, a scarecrow stands alone in a field. PROLOGUE
(@simonschusterUK, 4 February 2021, 349 pages, ebook, #ARC from the publisher via # NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed, #BlogTour 4 February via @RandomTTours)
I thought this book would be a corker of a read when I read the blurb. I'm so glad I was right. This is an unusual book and I haven't read anything like it in a while; part historical fiction, part horror and part folklore. I loved it. It's an entertaining read that held by attention from start to finish. Despite the supernatural events (living scarecrows, demons and witches) it never gets too dark. I couldn't recommend this enough.