Books Magazine

#TheChoice by @Alexlakeauthor

By Pamelascott
#TheChoice by @Alexlakeauthor

Matt Westbrook only turned his back for a moment. But when he looks around, his car - with his three young children inside - has vanished.

A ransom...

Panicked, Matt assumes a car thief has got more than he bargained for, but then he starts to receive text messages: This is a kidnap. If you want to see your children again, you will exchange them for your wife.

A choice...

Matt and his wife Annabelle are horrified. They can't involve the police, or their children will be killed. Which means they have to choose: Annabelle, or their children. Either option is unthinkable. But one is inevitable. And they have only hours to make their decision...

The gripping new thriller you won't be able to put down!


(@HarperCollinsUK, 20 August 2020, 476 pages, ebook, copy from the publisher via # NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed, #BlogTour 7 October via @RandomTTours)



I'd heard of the author before but never read any books. I decided to take part in the tour because the blurb intrigued me. I didn't expect to give the book a 5-star rating. It was on the way to a solid 4-star when the ending stunned me and added an extra star. This is a well-written, fast-paced thriller. Matt and Annabelle are faced with an impossible choice. I would give my life in exchange for my children if I had any so it's not that impossible when you boil it down. I liked the twists and turns even though I got frustrated with the characters. I wish Matt and his wife had called the police, despite the kidnapper's threats, kidnappers always make similar threats and smart people call the police, instead they arrange a swap with the kidnapper and try to tail him and Annabell with the help of an ex-cop and a drone. You just know the plan is going to be a disastrous mess. I enjoyed the last 25% much more than the rest of the book. The author gives us two obvious choices for the kidnapper suspect, gleaned from flashbacks to Matt and Annabelle's past. Thankfully, the author did not go with someone obvious and the kidnapper's identity took me by surprise. The last chunk of the book when Annabelle sees who's taken her and discovers their deranged motives were brilliantly written. I couldn't put the book down. I need to read more by the author.

#TheChoice by @Alexlakeauthor

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