Entertainment Magazine

The Xroadie Files

Posted on the 05 June 2024 by Ripplemusic
The Xroadie Files

Steve Hunter- Guitar/Vocals/All instruments,Paco Passman- Acoustic Guitar Slide, Background vocals by Karen Hunter, Steve Hunter and The Fabulous Deakon Choir

Back Door Man sway groove and just flow with the amazing musicianship and soulful vocals. Tiresome Blues clap your hand stomp your feet close your eyes and let the emotions take you away. Independent Soul lost in dreams and memories. The Ballad of John Henry Gates some emotional guitar work bluesy and full of emotions. Annabel's Blues dreaming the day away. Up from the Skies clap foot tap and groove. Sweet Jane strumming guitar and singing. Waiting on a Friend a great version f the Rolling Stones classic. Who is He and What is He to You is a very catchy tune that envelops your senses. In a Lonely Place emotional memories sends shivers down your spine.

Aptosrs- Elders The Xroadie Files

Paul Terry - Everything

Rust Mountain close your eyes and drift away in your imagination. With Every Step lost in emotional memories. A Peaceful Way To Defy lost in the depths of melancholic dreams. Them All sway groove and just flow with the emotional music. Graveyard Syndrome I a catchy tune that envelops your senses. Nothing But Recall close your eyes and dream. Questionnaires dream memories and imaginations. Narcolepticon drifting on a cloud of melodies. Encore Vredefort take one strange musical journey thru time and space.

LIE HEAVY - Burn To The Moon The Xroadie Files

Karl Agell -Vocals, Jeff JD Dennis - Drums/Percussions/Vocals, TR Gwynne - Bass/Vocals/Acoustic Guitar, Graham Fry - Guitar/Vocals

Nothing To Steal crunchy groove solid rhythms with emotional vocals. In The Shadow clap foot tap sway and chant. Burn To The Moon lost in dark dreams and memories. Drag The World fist pump head bang and just rock till you drop. The Long March the slow emotional music envelops your very being. Lie Heavy crunchy riffs pounding drums thumping bass screaming leads and great vocals. When The Universe Cries is a very catchy tune that is great to jam on down the highway as you cruise. Chunkadelic grab your air guitars and riff away. Pontius Pilate close your eyes and dream. Unbeliever slow grooves have you swaying and chanting. Diabolik hit the pit slam sweat and just let loose. End the World doom metal magic.

Sunface- Cloud Castles The Xroadie Files

Cloud Castles has a very catchy groove with emotional vocals. New Natures close your eyes and let the emotions send shivers down your spine. Tall Trees clap foot tap and groove as you flow with the rhythms. Garden Of Lanterns II lost in emotional memories. Second Voyage heavy riffs pounding drums thumping bass scorching leads and great vocals. Thunder Era sway sing shout and just let loose. Violet Ponds take one interesting musical journey. Priest Of the Rays is a bluesy psychedelic mind trip. Green Fields And Familiar Faces sitting with friends strumming guitar and singing. Through The Snow a dark heavy groove pulls you in.

Chet Thompson - Strong Like a Bull The Xroadie Files

Chet Thompson- Guitar/Vocals, Chris Moore/Ryan Franklin- Drums, Eric Grossman - Bass

Drivin' With the Top Down has a very catchy riffs scorching leads pounding drums thumping bass and great vocals. Call His Name sway groove play air guitar and just let loose. Arrow and the Stone screaming guitars thundering drums pounding bass and strong vocals. Woman's Mind clap foot tap play air guitar and rock till the night is over. Persian Princess is a very catchy tune that will envelop your imaginations. Just Turn it On close your eyes and dream many memories. Our Love strumming guitars emotional vocals that bring back memories of yesterday. Tell Me Why crunchy riffs g heavy rhythms with searing leads and powerful vocals. Ugh Social Media clap foot stomp groove and just let loose. Copper on a String sitting with friends playing scorching leads with steady rhythms and emotional vocal. Only Heaven Knows dreams memories and emotions come flooding back.


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