Alex Mendes - Guitar/Bass/Vocals, João Dourado - Session Drums/Orchestrations
Knights Of Woden slowly pulls you into dark imaginations. Witches' Hammer hit the pit and mosh till you drop. Covenant with the One Eyed crunchy eerie tones and textures envelop your very being. The Elk of Lonetal close your eyes and dream. Castle Montsalvat shred slam sweat and thrash. Knights Of Woden (Corrupted) pulls you into dark despair. Revel in Red fast hard heavy punch you in the face metal music. A Dark Being in the Shadows the aggression just swallows you whole. Night Of The Grail mosh shred thrash and tear it up. Longinus and Gungnir just hit the pit and let loose.
Sonic Moon- Return Without Any Memory
Emil Damgaard Andersen- Guitar, Emil Klinkby- Drums, Jeppe Rasmusse- Guitar, Magnus Klostergaard- Bass, Oliver Lyngkilde- Vocals, Denni Ian- Bass,
The Waters slow melancholic music that envelops your senses. Tying Up To The Noose draws you into dark imaginations. Give It Time heavy classic stoner rock music. Through The Snow close your eyes and drift away. Head Under The River strumming psychedelic rhythms melodic vocals with steady beats. Distance rumbling bass pounding drums melancholic vocals with searing leads. Hear Me Now heavy slow droning metal music that slithers along.
KIND- Close Encounters
Matthew Couto - Drums, Tom Corino - Bass, Craig Riggs - Vocals, Darryl Shepard - Guitar
Burn Scar crunchy riffs pounding drum thumping bass and interesting vocals. Favorite One close your eyes and drift away. Black Yesterday sway groove and just flow with the rhythms. Snag grab your air guitars riff fist pump and sing. Massive classic stoner rock music that pulls you into darkness. Power Grab one catchy rocking tune that has you on your feet. Of the Ages crunchy riffs pounding drums thumping bass and strong vocals. What It Is To Be Free sway groove clap foot tap and just let loose. Pacino get on your feet and just rock till you drop.
Escape The Hive- This is Gonna Sting
Michael Thomas Beck- Vocals, A.D Adams- Drums/Vocals, Conrad Varela- Guitar/Vocals, Mike Vars- Keyboards/Vocals, Paul Williams- Bass/Vocal
I Can See It thumping bass pounding drums crunchy riffs screaming leads and strong vocals. Separate Lives take you on one magical musical journey. I've Seen the Future scorching leads that send shivers down your spine one rocking tune that gets you up and grooving. In Between sitting with friends strumming guitars and singing It's Not Alright screaming leads thundering drums thumping bass with emotional vocals. Something just flow with the emotional music and powerful vocals one catchy cover tune. Watchin' You Watchin' Me a slow hard rock bluesy tune that just envelops your spirit. Roll The Dice get on your feet clap foot tap and groove.
Post Luctum- The Indifference Of Time :1
Ian Goetchius- Everything
In Avoidance slowly pulls you into dark imaginations and nightmares. The Pain Of Hope the pits of hell open and demons slither out devouring all Don't Fear The Fading Light hit the pit and mosh till exhaustion. A Looming Shadow lost in despair and madness. When Mourning Comes emotions bring back fear and darkness. Moment Of Silence close your eyes and drift in dark dreams. Eternally Quiet darkness descends on your very being.