Zex – Execute

Execute moody heavy melodic music to just envelop you. Moving On get up bounce to the punk flavored metal music. No Where To Go Part 1 I hit the pit slam and mosh as it takes you over. Who Are You guitar feedback catchy rhythms and sing along vocals. Tell Me fast memorable riffs that just make you get up and bounce to the rhythm. Bite The Hand chugging guitars pounding drums thumping bass and punkish vocals. Firepower take a trip back to the heyday of punk rock and enjoy. External Torment catchy rhythms thumping bass pounding drums and vocals to sing with. Dehumanize fast punk hard rock with some tempo changes slow to fast. Shot Down In Fire crunchy poppy punk rock. Shine On just get up and bounce to the beat.
Sons of Famine - As Razors Gnaw Like Wolves

Lord of The War Cry fast heavy aggressive rip your face off dark metal. Surge Of Steel pummels you into the ground and blow. Hail The Aggressor shredding ripping thrashing deep heavy madness. Crackling Whips Consume pounding drums thundering bass death metal vocals and crunching guitars. Exterminate hit the floor and slam away getting all your aggressions out. As Razors Gnaw Like Wolves grabs you by the throat and slams you against the wall. Shit Tower thrashing ripping chugging violence. Cunting Gavage pounding drums thumping bass eerie guitar chords that just drag you to hell faster and faster. Vigorous Procession Of Death the gates of hell open and hordes of demons spew forth devouring all.
Necronomidol – Voidhymn

Dawnslayer excellent melodic duel leads pounding rhythms and soaring vocals with thundering bass metal live on. Thanatogenesis slow dark melancholic music that builds with intensity and fist pumping riffs. In Black strange but interesting mixture of Japanese music and rock just close your eyes and drift. Samhain just get up and dance along to the catchy rhythms. Innsmouth the sounds of storm and the music builds with an industrial feel. Psychopomp is strange with the very interesting vocals. Strange Eons is a fist in the air head banging song with scorching leads. Les Tenebres Sans Visage is a very classical into with emotional playing and a catchy rhythm. Kadath starts with a heavy riff and some interesting vocals thumping bass and pounding drums. Skulls In The Stars is gothic metal hard rock emotional music.
Illyrian – The Entity, Unknown

Void grabs ahold and just pummels you into submission. Amanar Rising chugging guitars pounding rhythms growling vocals just hit the pit and slam. Grant Us Eyes eerie vocals then aggressive dark metal mayhem. Levottomus shredding ripping thrashing music to mosh by. Recipe For Disaster the music just open the pits of hell demons pour forth and devour the earth. Gwynbleidd storm sounds melancholic guitars searing leads. Xanthous thrash metal madness. The Entity Unknown charging thundering riffs chugging guitars pounding drums thundering bass and growly vocals.
Embrace Of Disharmony – De Rervm Natvra

Prohoemivm Lavdito Epicvri eerie dark music envelops you add spoken words then gothic progressive. Music comes in. De Promordiis Rervm over 10 minutes of heavy psychedelic prog death that just takes you on a wild trip.De Motv Primordiorvm Rervm interesting mixture of prog and death that just swallows your soul. De Infinitate Orbivm melodies that just seep into you as the emotions take you over into a nightmare. De Mortalitate Animae dark melancholic music that envelops you as it pulls you into a dark abyss. De Pavore Mortis celtic tones and folk sounds that are also strange and eerie. De Captionibvs Amoris music that just pulls your imagination into a dark nightmare. De Formatione Orbis classical death dark progressive tones and emotions.