Humor Magazine

The World’s Top 10 Most Amazing Geode Skulls

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

There is always something dark and scary about a sculptured human skull, no matter what it is made from. Be it paper, stone or even gold there is always that dark element that remains a constant. None more so than when it comes to hand crafted and highly polished Geodes that have been shaped into skulls, in fact I dare say it makes them even scarier…

The World’s Top 10 Most Amazing Geode Skulls

BONUS CONTENT: Top 10 Facts About Geodes


10 – Agate

FACT: Geodes are rocks that are plain on the outside but can have beautiful crystals on the inside and are often considered to be highly valuable even though the crystals and gem stones in them are not worth anything.

9 – Dinosaur Egg Agate

FACT: In the Greek language geode means “shape of the earth”, but while some geodes are round like earth, most of them are oblong like an egg.

8 – Ocean Jasper

FACT: Geodes can be very small in size of just an inch or so, but some have been found that are well over a meter in length!

7 – Quartz

FACT: Geodes are created in the hollow areas of soil such as animal burrows or tree roots, but obviously over millions of years with bubbles of volcanic rock.

6 – Malachite

FACT: So how are they made? Well over time all sorts of dissolved minerals seep into these hollowed out areas and harden into an outer shell creating the geode, then they start to go inside them and the compact pressure of this is what makes them the minerals and gemstones you see when they are extracted.

5 – Carnelian

FACT: The most common dissolved mineral is quartz or amethyst and many other minerals are also found. But new minerals and gem stones are being found and discovered all the time.

4 – Blue Agate

FACT: It can take hundreds of millions of years for the space inside a geode to be filled, and even after this long many geodes remain partly hollow.

3 – Blue Chalcedony

FACT: Now and again they are filled completely with various minerals and these are called a nodule. As a side note, Agate-filled nodules are called thunder eggs!

2 – Rainbows

FACT: Geodes can be many colours depending upon the type of crystal. But on average it is Purple (amethyst) that will be discovered. These are often the most sought after kind because they reflect light and have a much more beautiful and vivid sparkle about them meaning people can charge more for them.

1 –  Crystal

FACT: If you want to look for Geodes the good news is that they are found almost everywhere in the world. But to increase your chances you should concentrate on deserts and previously volcanic areas.

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