Humor Magazine

The World’s Top 10 Best Personalised Smart Cars

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

The World’s Top 10 Best Personalised Smart Cars

The World’s Top 10 Best Personalised Smart Cars

I am a big family car owner myself (A Vauxhall Meriva) but this post is about a car I have often thought I wouldn’t be seen dead in! But recently I am starting to change my mind. I am talking about the Smart car. Small, economical and cheaper than some big screen TV’s, they sell enough of these cars each year to make it one of the Worlds best-selling cars. but I am sure I am not alone The World’s Top 10 Best Personalised Smart Cars

BONUS CONTENT: The Top 10 Facts About The Smart Car


Smart Car Inspired by Little Tikes

Smart Car Inspired by Little Tikes

10 – Little Tikes

FACT: Smart Cars are known to have passed the highest global crash and passenger safety test standards in the world making it a very protective driving bubble!

Smart Car Inspired Salad

Smart Car Inspired Salad

9 – The Salad Mobile

FACT: The Penske Automotive Group didn’t think it was going to sell that many and gave over the distribution, sales and marketing of the microcar company to Mercedez-Benz in 2011! More fool them I say.

Smart Car Inspired Art

Smart Car Inspired Art8

8 – Work of Art

FACT: In the US, the Smart Fortwo is at the top of the list of most fuel-efficient, cost efficient cars on the market today, and also one of the cheapest electric ones!

Smart Car Inspired grass

Smart Car Inspired grass

7 – Covered in Grass

FACT: The third generation “Smart ED” or the Smart electric drive car launched this year (2013) and was the first electric car to be able to go over 100 miles on a single charge!

Smart Car Inspired Monster Trucks

Smart Car Inspired Monster Trucks

6 – Monster Trucks FACT: Mercedes-Benz operates Smart under its patronage and only offers the Fortwo to the market, all the other models are done via third-party firms.

Smart Car Inspired Tank

Smart Car Inspired Tank

5 – The Tiny Tank

FACT: Why is a smart car, called a smart car? Because Smart was originally an acronym for ‘Swatch Mercedes Art’ before it was adopted as a neutral company name by MCC and Daimler-Benz! I love this fact.

Smart Cars Inspired Gold

Smart Cars Inspired Gold

4 – Gold-plated Smart Car

FACT: The Smartcar came into existence in two halfs of a pea, and it wasn’t until the successful partnership between SMH (makers of Swatch) and Daimler-Benz happened that they could put both halfs of their experience and knowledge together and make it whole!

Smart Cars Inspired by Weddings

Smart Cars Inspired by Weddings

3 – His and Hers

FACT: While their owners know that a Smart car has great design and performance the reason 80% of their owners brought it was all down to money! After all, why spend hundreds on fuel a year when it could be costing a lot, lot less! Hard times indeed.

Smart Car Inspired by Red Dwarf

Smart Car Inspired by Red Dwarf

2 – The Small Rouge One

FACT: Do you think the smart car reminds you of something? Well maybe it is because the original and unique design of the first model was backed by Volkswagen and was very loseley modelled on the VW Beetle!

Smart Car Inspired by Batman

Smart Car Inspired by Batman

1 – The Batmobile

FACT: While the main factory for manufacturing these Smart cars in Hambach, France they don’t have any offices there other than middle staff management, their main office work and company headquarters are in Boblingen, Germany!


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