Humor Magazine

The World’s Top 10 Best Kit Kat Recipe Ideas

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

Today’s food/snack/recipe ideas for the worlds top selling chocolate bars takes a look at the Kit-Kat. So much more than a operating system update for android, this 4 finger or chunky designed snack bar is better know in cakes, but people also make other amazing things with them as well. So without further delay, here is the top 10 best of them…

The World’s Top 10 Best Kit Kat Recipe Ideas


10 – Cake

With so many people reading my post “Top 10 Best Kit Kat Cakes” I thought it was best to start of with what most people will make from Kit Kats, and while the cake above doesn’t have a recipe or making guide, it is still a great example of how creative people are with these cakes.

9 – Lasagna

More a dessert lasagne than a meal idea, but I would much rather eat this than a real one.  With layer upon layer of sugar coma inducing tastiness it is sure to drive kids and adults alike wild. Full image driven, step by step making guide in the image link.

8 – Treasure Chest

Not so much a recipe idea, but more a build idea. If you are having a pirate themed party this could well be the best thing you will ever see or indeed make. Not so much a making guide in the image link, but it is worth visiting to see the recipe and the other images to get an idea of the design.

7 – Cupcakes

These amazing cupcake do require the lesser seen (or indeed heard of) wasabi kit kats. (available here >BUY NOW<) but once you have those you can indeed make these. Not much of a recipe of making guide in the image link, but enough to be going on with.

6 – Crunch Bars

When it comes to snack bars these homemade peanut buttery Crunch Bar topped with Kit Kats are well worth trying. Combining various tastes and ingredients like peanut butter, sugar, cereal, and chocolate all top off with kit kats is it well worth clicking on the image to discover the full recipe and making guide.

5 – Milk Shake

On a warm Summers day this might well be the best thing you will ever suck through a straw, so why not at least try these kit kat shakes right now to road test them! In fact I think I will make one the second I have finished this post. (full making guide and recipe in the image link)

4 – Cookies

There are several cookie recipe ideas out there, but I felt that this was the very best of them With both kit kats and oreos in one bite they are sure to be a taste in a million. Recipe and making guide in the image link.

3 – Rice Krispie Treats

Perfect as a snack or ice cream topping this recipe idea is simple to make and will be a lot of fun as well. So why not get the little ones to make this then you can sit back and enjoy their cooking for a change.

2 – Crescents

For those of us that don’t know, Crescent rolls are dinner rolls, croissants are sweeter and flakier, often used as a breakfast food. So if you fancy some dinner roll kit kat snacks this is the recipe for you. Full making guide and recipe can be found by clicking on the image.

1 – Cheesecake Bars

It makes my mouth water just reading what it is called! This super cheesecake bar with its kit kat crispy layer is perfect for just about any occasion you can kind of. Fantastic recipe and making guide is yours by simply clicking on the image (then sending me some for testing.)

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