Humor Magazine

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Dogs Wearing Monocles

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Dogs Wearing Monocles

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Dogs Wearing Monocles

In posts gone by we have seen that dogs look rather silly in funny glasses in “Top 10 Dogs Wearing Silly Glasses” but I think it is time to show you that dogs are not always silly, some even have jobs, a social life and they even get to go on holidays, and some are just far too debonair for words! So today we are taking a look at the finer dogs in life….

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Dogs Wearing Monocles

(YES! I know most of these images are fake, but that doesn’t mean they are not funny!)

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Dogs Wearing Monocles

Dog Wearing a Monocle

10 – “”It is no good for you gallivanting around looking for silly top 10 image young man!”

FACT: Here is a weird fact, some of the very first prototypes of the amazing Google Glass were monocles! I am kind of happy they changed it into classes myself. (VIA:WIKI)

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Dogs Wearing Monocles

Dog Wearing a Monocle

9 – “Your high-jinks are up! You have been trying to hoodwink me since this game began.”

FACT: Here is a fun fact, the very first kids TV character to wear a monocle was Dracula from the children’s TV show Sesame Street. “ONE! One lovely monocle, HAHAHAHA” Classic kids TV. (VIA:WIKI)

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Dogs Wearing Monocles

Dog Wearing a Monocle

8 – “All this gobbledygook my local haberdasher comes up with is getting beyond a joke!”

FACT: People often believed that the monocle was uncomfortable to wear, but this is not really true and was started by less wealthy people using them and not being able to afford to have them fitted properly. (VIA:WIKI)

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Dogs Wearing Monocles

Dog Wearing a Monocle

7 – ”I refuse to wear this folderol outfit, if you want to fight about it stick up the fisticuffs!”

FACT: The first character in a comic to wear a monocle was one of Batman’s main enemies, “The Penguin” and is also considered the first super hero enemy to do so as well. (VIA:WIKI)

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Dogs Wearing Monocles

Dog Wearing a Monocle

6 – “I always become discombobulated with a monocle, glasses are much easier to use.”

FACT: There are three styles of monocle. The first style is a simple loop of metal with a lens, the second style, which was developed in the 1890s, was the most elaborate, consisting of a frame with a raised edge-like extension and so expensive on the very rich could afford it, and the third style of monocle was frame-less! (VIA:WIKI)

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Dogs Wearing Monocles

Dog Wearing a Monocle

5 – “Why you cantankerous little carbuncle, you know I can only eat luxury dog food!

FACT: Some people might know that the monocle features on the official company logo and mascot for the Planters Peanut company, but did you know that drawn by a fourteen year-old boy Antonio Gentile who won a contest to design it.

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Dogs Wearing Monocles

Dog Wearing a Monocle

4 – ”Utter balderdash, I will not sit here listening to your cockamamie ideas that i’m a mutt!

FACT: One of the first known wearers of the monocle,the antiquarian “Philipp von Stosch” wore a monocle in Rome as far back as 1720 in order to closely examine engravings and antique engraved gems.(VIA:WIKI)

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Dogs Wearing Monocles

Dog Wearing a Monocle

3 – “How dare you say I am in cahoots with a Frisbee doohickey company!”

FACT: Monocles where stereotypical accessories of German military officers especially from World War I and World War II, in fact they were often a sign of rank rather than being a seeing device. (VIA:WIKI)

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Dogs Wearing Monocles

Dog Wearing a Monocle

2 – “Do not think wrong of me sir, but I have just released some gas in my pantaloons!”

FACT: In the 1890s is was believed that over 90% of ALL monocles sold were to people who really didn’t need them! They were just used as a fashion statement. (VIA:WIKI)

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Dogs Wearing Monocles

Dog Wearing a Monocle

1 –  ”This is not just a doohickey my friend, this is a sign of my own heritage!”

FACT: During the late 19th century the monocle was generally associated with wealthy upper-class men, but the weird bit is that it was around in both the 17th and 18th centuries but never considered to be a sign of wealth, only that the owner had a vision problem. (VIA:WIKI)

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