Humor Magazine

The World’s Top 10 Best Images Of Cats Wearing Wigs

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10
The World’s Top 10 Best Images Of Cats Wearing Wigs

The World’s Top 10 Best Images Of Cats Wearing Wigs

I am lucky enough to have my mothers hair. It is strong, slow-growing and mostly neat and tidy (I am going grey as well, but I kind of like it!) but some people are not as lucky as me. I have several friends in their 40′s who are going bold or have already gone bold, but none of them seem to care, they have accepted it is going to happen and are happy with it. But what about animals? Do animals go bold?  I am not talking alopecia, just animals that want to look and feel a little bit younger….

The World’s Top 10 Best Images Of Cats Wearing Wigs

BONUS CONTENT: Top 10 Facts About Wigs.

The World’s Top 10 Best Images Of Cats Wearing Wigs

Cat wearing a wig

10 – What do you call a man with 3 planks on his head? Edward Woodward!

FACT: More wigs were made for LOTR: The Two Towers film than all the rest of the films the made in the same month!

The World’s Top 10 Best Images Of Cats Wearing Wigs

Cat wearing a wig

9 – What do you call a man with a car on his head? Jack!

FACT: In 1765 there is a major protest by wigmakers who demanding certain professions should be forced to wear wigs, like judges, doctors and police!

The World’s Top 10 Best Images Of Cats Wearing Wigs

Cat wearing a wig

8 – What do you call a man with a lavatory on his head? Lou!

FACT: If you look up the word “wig” in the official Oxford English Dictionary is says this “A wig is a kind of bun or small cake made of fine flour!”

The World’s Top 10 Best Images Of Cats Wearing Wigs

Cat wearing a wig

7 – What do you call a woman with two lavatories on her head? Lulu!

FACT: There are hieroglyphics to suggest the ancient Egyptians wore wigs around 350BC because a shaven head kept them free of head lice.

The World’s Top 10 Best Images Of Cats Wearing Wigs

Cat wearing a wig

6 – What do you call a woman with a bunch of holly on her head? Carol!

FACT: If very first known mention of an actual head wig is way back in 1664 by someone called Samuel Pepy, he writes “Home to the only Lenten supper I have had of wiggs and ale.”

The World’s Top 10 Best Images Of Cats Wearing Wigs

Cat wearing a wig

5 – What do you call a woman with a cat on her head? Kitty!

FACT: One of the most famous wig wearers is of course Mozart who only wore it to cover a deformity of his left ear and not his hair because he had a full head of it!”

The World’s Top 10 Best Images Of Cats Wearing Wigs

Cat wearing a wig

4 – What do you call a man with a map on his head? Miles!

FACT: The ceremonial wig of Queen Elizabeth I was made of real human hair and was one of the heaviest ever made weighing 30KG! .

The World’s Top 10 Best Images Of Cats Wearing Wigs

Cat wearing a wig

3 – What do you call a man with a car number plate on his head? Reg!

FACT: When you call someone a “bigwig” it comes from all those large wigs you see in the courts and law house.

The World’s Top 10 Best Images Of Cats Wearing Wigs

Cat wearing a wig

2 – What do you call a woman with a tortoise on her head? Shelley!

FACT: Not only did Queen Elizabeth I have one of the heaviest wigs ever made in the World she also had the largest collection of any member of the royal family, said to have a rather impressive set of over 150 different wigs in various styles and colours.

The World’s Top 10 Best Images Of Cats Wearing Wigs

Cat wearing a wig

1 –  What do you call a man who with a coat on his head? Mac!

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