The World’s Most Dangerous Borders – Episode 2 – The Great Green Wall
Story: The Great Green Wall continues Reza’s journey across Africa after a detour from Mali to Burkina Faso, another country where the outsider isn’t always welcomed, here Reza gets to learn about Voodoo in the bloody ceremony, before learning about the European impact on the locals. We continue to see the different people that Reza meets along the way, ones that will be involved in even more dangerous interactions with human traffickers.
Thoughts on The Great Green Wall
Thoughts – The Great Green Wall does continue to show the illegal operations going on, where people will do anything to have control over the people, show the extreme lengths people will go for their own freedom or ways to help their family back home. We show how the people will do anything to keep things quiet, while looking into the voodoo rituals, which can be difficult to watch. The journey does take us to the next stage, showing an increased level of danger as well as showing just how easily the human trafficking can happen. While this episode does have a slower start, it does have an intense final 15 minutes, which shows the real danger they are in.
Final Thoughts – The Great Green Wall does start slower, but does finish with an intense exchange with criminals in the world Reza is traveling through. 3/5
The World’s Most Dangerous Borders on Digital and Amazon Prime Video now