Religion Magazine

The “Where Are You From?” Game

By Marilyngardner5 @marilyngard

Where are you from

Turned out the guy had never heard of Boston…

What do you think? And what do you actually say?

I think this: “Well, I was born in a small town in New England, about an hour from Boston, but when I was 3 months old my parents took me to Pakistan where they had already established a home. I lived there until I was 18, except for every 4 years when we would go to the United States for a year and I would live in the small town I was born in, or another city about a half hour from there. And then when I graduated I came to the United States and I went to school in Chicago. And then the year after I graduated I lived in Massachusetts for 9 months and then I went back to Pakistan, and then I was deported from Pakistan, and then I met my husband in Chicago and we got engaged in Pakistan and married in Chicago. Then we lived in Chicago a year and moved to New Hampshire for a few months, then we went to Pakistan for 3 years, then we moved to Florida for a year, then we went to Cairo, Egypt for 7 years. After that we were in a small town on the North Shore of Boston for 6 and 1/2 years, then we moved to Phoenix for 4 and 1/2 years, then we moved back to Massachusetts where we live in Cambridge…..”

But I say this: “Right now I live in Cambridge, Massachusetts.”

Is anyone tired yet?

Okay – now it’s your turn! What do you think, and what do you say? Please play this game with me! It will be fun, I promise!

*Blogger’s note – click on the picture to head to the original and it will be easier to read the text.

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