Entertainment Magazine

The Weekenders - Bright Silence Of Night

Posted on the 09 September 2016 by Ripplemusic
The Weekenders - Bright Silence Of Night
I usually don’t mention the word nostalgia when writing a review, but sometimes an exception is due. Back in 2012, Salt Lake City’s The Weekenders unearthed their debut album ‘Don’t Plan On’ and I was approached about possibly penning a write-up. No sooner had I pressed play and it was love at first sight. So I immediately jumped on the chances to tell the world about this band. Oh, it also happened to be the second or third review I ever wrote. Hence incorporating nostalgia here, especially when word filtered through that The Weekenders were about to release their sophomore wax ‘Bright Silence Of Night’. Naturally memories came flooding back as the first notes began to sound, recollections of fledgling wanna-be writer trying to do a fantastic record justice. Therefore, join me as I, again, try my best to bring forth the beauty and the greatness of The Weekenders.
The nucleus of the band, Rob Reinfurt – vocals, guitar – and Mike Sasich – guitar, piano, keyboards, vocals – is intact and they show how much they’ve grown since last time. Four years can do wonders and it has for them. Already great back then, the music is even better now. New to the fold are Mike Torgerson and Shaun Thomas, bass guitar and drums respectively and this newfound line-up has gelled perfectly and elevated the band even further. ‘Escape’ is slow, meditative with THE riff leading the way. The vocals are seductive and mesmerizing adding more nuances to the song. What I picture in my mind is wide open spaces and vast blue skies as the band are ‘New York Bound’. A beautiful guitar solo enhances the autumn feel The Weekenders bring out so well. ‘The Grifter’ changes the pace and is heavy, pounding and full of riffs. Good ol’ rock’n’roll the way it should be but shaped for 2016 and beyond. Aaah, there’s so much swagger, attitude and oomph in ‘Cherokee Rose’ to last a lifetime. Going for groove with those riffs – again, but who’s complaining – this amalgamation is on point, having become a sexy beast in the process. Morning rises slowly and beautifully on a new day. Clouds are dissipating as the sun lets it’s rays awaken us. That’s the feeling I get from ‘Blue Hill Bay’. Once the whole band kicks in, you deal with yet another day and with such a wonder, all problems seem to wash away.
'Every Night A Slave' is bluesy, delicate with mesmerizing vocals which works so well with the lyrics. A troubled mind fighting demons every night with no respite in sight. Beautiful guitar work! Oh yeah, there are those riffs again in ‘Monkey See’. Heavy and rocking in the verses, while being more soulful in the choruses and it is amazing. ‘Army Of One’ sees The Weekenders move within the electric blues frame with a good dollop of Americana added and it definitely spice things up. The title track, ‘Bright Silence Of Night’, transports the band into more indie/Americana territory with a lot of balls and attitude. And I love it. It kind of lurches and crawls creating interesting vibes. Closer ‘Awake’ is soothing, healing and wonderful. It is just like lying awake in bed with your loved one, taking each other in while pondering upon the beauty of life.
The Weekenders has made the transition from a great band on their debut to an even better band now. Their music flows so effortlessly, yet there’s so many layers that expands by each spin. What I especially love about these guys, apart from the great music, is that the songs have an air of driving through open, sparsely populated areas, listening to tunes that sound like they're from days gone by but with a modern touch. Fabulous dear wave riders, fabulous!

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