Biology Magazine

The War on Science™

Posted on the 13 March 2013 by Bjornostman @CarnyEvolution
The war on science™ According to Science Left Behind (book review), there's a war on science, and it isn't raged by conservatives alone. Progressives are also ideologues who refuse to listen to the science - it's just other areas that they dislike.
  • Climate change (science: it is happening, and is caused by humans)
  • Evolution (science: it is true)

  • Homeopathy (science: it doesn't work)
  • Vaccines (science: they work and are do not cause autism)
  • GMOs (science: they are not harmful)
  • Organic foods (science: they are not always better)
  • In vitro meat (science: it is fine, and better in so many ways)
  • Biological gender differences (science: there are some)

Anything else?

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