Nestled deep in the mist-shrouded mountains, The Village of Eight Graves takes its name from a bloody legend: in the Sixteenth Century eight samurais, who had taken refuge there along with a secret treasure, were murdered by the inhabitants, bringing a terrible curse down upon their village.
Centuries later a mysterious young man named Tatsuya arrives in town, bringing a spate of deadly poisonings in his wake. The inimitably scruffy and brilliant Kosuke Kindaichi investigates.
The village of Eight Graves is perched amid the desolate mountains on the border of Tottori and Okayama prefectures. PROLOGUE
(@PushkinPress, 2 December 2021, ebook, 320 pages, copy from the publisher via @edelweiss_squad, translated by Bryan Karetnyk)
I really enjoyed The Village of Eight Graves and will probably read the other two books. I tend to enjoy Japanese fiction and crime fiction so thought I'd enjoy this. I was pulled into the book from the early pages recounting the massacre that made the village infamous. This is the kind of book you get caught up in, full of twists, turns and misdirection until you start to suspect nobody can be trusted. I thought this was terrific.