First off, there is nothing in the Constitution which allows for a "right" to rebellion. If Anything, the Constitution is very clear that it prohibits waging war on the US (Article III, Section iii).
Unfortunately, I do not hear many people calling bullshit when people say it is their "right" to own a gun to fight the evil government.
But ponder this:
Let's not forget Timothy McVeigh:
Or Anders Breivik:
Maybe we need to worry about white guys as much as Muslims.
posted on 28 September at 10:24
Lest we forget the crimes committed by the many as opposed to the few. Your misunderstanding of the constitution is clear as day.
Terrorism is but a word to describe an act. It does not have anything to do with the radical Muslim that is primarily committed by Arabs. Example: How often do you see a white individual blow himself/herself up? How often do you see someone with other than a middle eastern decent hijack a plane? Not very often...if at all.