
The US Moved the Resolution of the Power of Authorization at UNSC to Fight Russia

Posted on the 25 February 2022 by Geetikamalik

The US, France and England hope that all members of the Unsc except Russia supports heavy resolution Chapter 7 and will make it graduate later in the General Assembly.

West Us-LED has transferred a resolution of “Chapter 7” which was tough in UNSC which passed the use of power to NATO to fight Russian invasion to Ukraine. Resolution, which will be voted about 1500 hours east, will be heated by Russia, which besides being a permanent member, is the UNSC President this month.

According to the New York-based diplomat, the West who led the US has transferred a very difficult resolution under Chapter Seven which ratified strength rather than article six resolutions that aimed for peaceful completion. The US was supported by Britain and France carried out severe diplomatic appointments in 15 unsc members to ensure that all members except to provide resolution. With China tend to argue from voting and India still hesitating on voting, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken suppresses both countries to choose in the goodness of resolution and isolate Russia.

It can be understood that after Russian veto, the US has a plan to get a resolution through the General Assembly, where there is no veto that can be carried out. It is quite clear that the resolution is difficult to pass public assembly as Russia, although the complexity of the crisis and historical heritage, has violated international norms from the sovereignty and territorial integrity other than the rules of the law and the UN Charter.

While Prime Minister Narendra Modi has appealed the disappearance of violence and a joint effort to return to the diplomatic table in his telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday night, there were no fees in Russian military operations in Ukraine. India in its part is still arguing about the design of resolution but it is very clear about the problem of sovereignty and separate territorial integrity and opposite is the right doctrine. The MODI government all for rule-based international order even though the fact that Ukraine has become a supplier of weapons and tanks for Pakistan and China. President Putin invited Pakistan PM Imran Khan at the peak of the Ukrainian crisis and the development of defense developing between the two was noticed by New Delhi. Ukraine has also chosen the resolution of 1172 against India after the Shakti Pokhran II series test in 1998.

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