Entertainment Magazine

The Unlikely Autobiography of Prince’s ‘Under the Cherry Moon’ and ‘Graffiti Bridge’

Posted on the 24 December 2016 by Jake Cole @notjustmovies
Hello all,
I don't use this blog much anymore, if that wasn't obvious, but I keep meaning to perma-post links to my published bylines and will do that soon. In the meantime, though, I am excited to share a link to a piece I had posted at Musings on Prince's neglected films Under the Cherry Moon and Graffiti Bridge, both of which are goofy, indulgent, but also revealing of aspects of Prince's personality and artistry. Now more than ever, they are crucial pieces to his puzzle. You may read my full article here: http://musings.oscilloscope.net/post/154212251546/the-unlikely-autobiography-of-princes-under-the

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