Beneath the waters by the islands of Gelle-Geu, a star sleeps restlessly. The celebrated new starkeeper Ranra Kekeri, who is preoccupied by the increasing tremors, confronts the problems left behind by her predecessor.
Meanwhile, the poet Erígra Lilún, who merely wants to be left alone, is repeatedly asked by their ancestor Semberí to take over the starkeeping helm. Semberí insists upon telling Lilún mysterious tales of the deliverance of the stars by the goddess Bird.
When Ranra and Lilún meet, sparks begin to fly. An unforeseen configuration of their magical deepnames illuminates the trouble under the tides. For Ranra and Lilún, their story is just beginning; for the people of Gelle-Geu, it may well be too late to save their home.
When I first came to Semberi's Hill, it was frizzed in fog.
(@TachyonPub, 20 September 2022, e-book, 218 pages, #ARC from the publisher)
I've read other books by the author set in the same universe so was really looking forward to The Unbalancing. I liked this book a lot. I thought it was too short, in a good way as I didn't want the story to end. I loved the world the author creates in this book, the magic and fantasy elements. I also liked the way the book explores gender and identity especially trans and non-binary without being preachy and just naturally weaving these elements into to the book. This is well worth a read.