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The Ultimate Outcome of Networking

By Simone Design Blog @HomeSpire

I agree that these are really good methods to get "noticed". But what is the end goal of sending emails to bloggers?If I post for a few weeks and then send them an email, do you think they will feature my blog? Or, will they just put a link to my blog in their blog?You said that you have been "noticed" by some high profile bloggers. What was the outcome you experienced?

The above quote is a comment left by one of the readers on a previous post . At first I was a little shocked but then again I remembered my thoughts and idea of networking when I first started blogging. To be honest, at first my sole intention with getting in touch was to get blogger's attention to get link backs and of course the traffic that might come from them mentioning my blog. The thought and the idea has now changed. The mindset most new bloggers have ( including me when I started ) while still new in the game, is to get immediate exposure and attention while ignoring the future.

In this post I will outline the benefits of networking and being recognized, which in the short run might not be as beneficial as you would like, but will certainly help you in future as a blogger and web entrepreneur.

The first goal of networking and reaching out to other bloggers should be to bring ino their attention that you and your blog exists somewhere in the vast web world. Your sole concern should be to let them know that you are out there. Asking for links or favors will only get you ignored. Remember, " first impression is also the last impression " holds true in this case as well. If you are seen as someone only trying to reach top bloggers for favors and what not, all your other efforts aren't going to get any attention either. So, the first outcome of networking is letting others know that you exist somewhere.

The other outcome of proper networking is that it makes it easier for you stay in touch with the blogger. As you exchange more emails, talk on the phone or any other communication method you might use, you get to know the blogger personally. The more you talk, the more valuable suggestion and conversation you initiate, the more you are likely to be a valuable contact for the top blogger as well.

Networking, whether it is with popular bloggers or new bloggers isn't just about getting, but giving as well. You have as much to give as the blogger you are trying to connect with. Share ideas, suggest, learn and grow. As you can see one of the best outcome of proper networking can be always knowing that this person will be there for you in future, when you need them. it's not about the short run, think of the long term. Develop a vision and see beyond present and how you they might be helpful in future.

This is the outcome we are all waiting for. Networking opens up opportunities. If you have been exchanging emails regularly with some of the high profile bloggers, imagine the exposure you can get when you start something new. Or better yet, imagine starting something together with them. Networking certainly is a door that opens up opportunities, everywhere.

If done properly and in a way where you are not only the receiver but the giver as well, the ultimate outcome of networking might very well be a bright and secured future for yourself. Wouldn't it be nice if one the top and popular bloggers asked you to join in on a new project? It certainly would. That is what networking is all about. The art of giving and receiving without expecting.

As I had written in the beginning of this post, I started out the wrong way. Networking to me then was something that I wanted to gain immediate benefit from. Not anymore. I have realized and am lucky to have been friends with some of the high profile bloggers and the opportunities they have brought along my way. It's a great feeling to know that you are known, to know that they will be there when you need them, to know every time you ask for a suggestion they will be there for you. That's what the ultimate outcome of networking is - Opportunities and Friendship!

If you roll your eyes and look on the right of this blog, you will see couple banners. No! They are not paid advertisement. It's a way of saying thank you. When Me and Jason started this site, we needed exposure. We needed to get the word out there and this is when networking comes in handy. You know people. You know the movers and shakers and they help you move and shake as well. The banners you see on the right are the blogs that have some of the most active reader participation. Yes, they are popular but they know how to network and connect with their readers as well. They share central idea through their post and then carry it on the comments section with their readers. These bloggers helped me and jason out by writing about the launch of our new site. They didn't want anything in return but as a thank you we offered them a banner spot. It's a win win situation. Give and Take.

"You bring in opportunities for me and I will drive some your way." That is the central message of networking. Helping each other out. It takes time as with anything else, but when it is established you are in for a good surprise.

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