Lifestyle Magazine

The Truth About Employee GPS Tracking: Data Privacy and Safety

By Harshil Barot @Harshil_Barot

Employee GPS tracking is the newest digital innovation in the world of business and while it is taking the industry by storm, there are a few questions that still need answers.

For one, employees and employers are yet divided about their reactions to this efficient system. While some agree that the system can help the company's standards improve overall, others take into account that this can be a violation of individual privacy.

All About Employee GPS Tracking Application

The Truth About Employee GPS Tracking: Data Privacy and Safety

However, it cannot be denied employee monitoring system cannot increase the productivity and profits of a company if used well. Since you can access data pertaining to employees' whereabouts and activities during the work hours, you will be able to understand who your best workers are. By a careful method of evaluation, you can use the secrets of their success to improve the performance of other workers.

The main objective of a monitoring system ensuring that everyone contributes to their full potential and does not cheat the company in any way. The increased transparency will lead to better employer-employee relationships based on objectivity and facts instead of guesses and excuses.

Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your employees will benefit you tremendously because you will be able to optimize the resources available to you effectively.

1) How Does It Benefit the Employees?

Modern technology has updated monitoring systems so that you can keep an eye on everything at once. You do not have to limit the monitoring if you find a multifaceted employee GPS tracking system.

If your business model involves a lot of on field work, the GPS system could help you track just how hardworking your employees are. The GPS system provides a live feed telling you about your employees' location during work hours with time stamps. It helps you calculate daily attendance, metrics like the service time and the productivity of an employee.

For employees, there is another benefit - it helps them prove their case. Not all customers are truthful and for instance, if your employee has a delivery job, they could prove easily if required that they had been to the place at a specific time.

Additionally, it helps you improve your services too, leading to better customer satisfaction.

And it's not just the GPS system.

No employee can work all around without taking a break - but how many hours do they spend on YouTube or shopping sites? Knowing it could help you achieve the right balance. A study suggest that as much as two-thirds of businesses find it helpful to monitor the internet usage of their employees.

Official email communications are supposed to be private, and you can easily keep a track of what your employees are mailing and the content - almost 43% of companies track emails sent and received by their staff. For employees, the tracking is a win-win; it is easier to keep everyone on the loop on what is happening.

Plus, it increases the accountability quotient too - since you know who is doing what, one doesn't have to worry about their unproductive colleague any more.

All the data pertaining to your company are for your employees' eyes only. The most common concern is if they are using it properly and giving their best when working on projects. Sometimes, however, you cannot shake off a feeling that someone is feeding data onto other organizations and tipping off the competitors about your strategy. On other occasions, you might see a financial discrepancy and wonder if your staff is misusing any resource.

An employee monitoring GPS system will rid you of all worries and give your data that extra layer of security it needs. You will be able to track how an employee is using sensitive company data and confirm any suspicion you might have. Securing hard facts and evidence will become easier once you install this system.

Since you will be able to track all their online, offline and digital activities, you will be at an advantage.

The Truth About Employee GPS Tracking: Data Privacy and Safety

There are times when you are flooded with complaints, be it cyber or friction between employees. The easiest way to check the validity of facts and find out the truth is to consult the live feed that is recorded by your tracking system.

It will save you a lot of time, and help punish perpetrators at the same time. You are responsible not only for the safety of your data but also your employees. Keeping an eye on them during work hours will help you provide better security and emergency help to them.

You will not get embroiled in any legal controversy if you follow all the rules. The two most basic ones are informing your employees before installing the system and limiting all tracking activity to work hours. Get an efficient employee monitoring system to make your life easier without any worries!

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