Earlier in the week, I forgot which exact day, I was standing on a long line waiting to catch a bus home.
Two young females who looked to be in their twenties were scoping out individuals who stood on the line to approach.
One of the women came up to me and directly asked, “You want to come to my church?”
I said, “No”.
She then moved on to someone else she felt comfortable enough to go up to.
I watched as the other female asked a guy down on line the same question I was asked while he also gave her a “no”.
The lady who came up to me wore a name tag just like most of those with the Church of the Latter Day Saints.
A great deal of the people who attend church in general are nothing but devils and hypocrites.
Some are even brainwashed or sick-minded.
There is nothing wrong with church itself. It is good if one is able to find a church they connect with. There is negativity and positivity in every place, however, going to church does not verify a person who has a genuine regard, relationship or loyalty toward God or spirituality.
It is about what is truly within one’s heart, mind, and soul- not where they sit at every Sunday or other day inside of a church.
A lot of us already have a natural tendency- a propensity to lean and be led toward our creator in the individual way and path directed within our own distinction. God knows how to reach those who are apt to reach back.
As many ignorantly judge others based on their own personal reflections or flaws, God and those who are enveloped by him judge by truth, and the spirit of discernment.
It can be the least one would expect who is the closest to God.
The ones who are the farthest from God can have the appearance of godliness but no godliness is within them. They are full of filth, dirt and deceit.
A church is the house of God. A house of God is not a physical building. It is an internal building that firmly houses one.- latoya lawrence