Growl back those prices and get outta my way, the Pet Food aisle beckons and Fido's about to eat a greeter!
Yes indeed, if you thought the People of Walmart had gone to the dogs, imagine how bizarre their dogs are. Better yet, spare your imagination and brace yourself for The Top Ten Dogs of Walmart!
10) ¡Yo Quiero Walmart!

9) Don't Drive Angry

At least The Wild One's ensured his precious pet is properly protected with a cap & goggles seemingly purloined from a World War One flying ace. All that's missing are a few medals and... Muttley, is that you??
8) BVDs FTW!

Everyone loves an underdog... except when it's roaming through Walmart in its underwear. As disturbing as it looks this should be a good thing: no need for the old “cleanup in aisle 2...3.. 4...” when the mess-maker's been fitted with an onboard pooper-scooper.

Try putting the shoe on the other foot, as it were. You'd be mocked too if you browsed big-box stores pants-less... I repeat, pants-less. Of course, this being Walmart, who dares to throw the first stone? Depends...
7) Meet the Tortellis

You never know when a celebrity of any list is gonna pop in to Walmart and... whoa, is that Carla from Cheers? Could be: she's browsing the wine section after all but what's with the pet strapped across her chest? We've heard of “playful puppies” but this sure isn't it. As for having dog tags hanging around your neck, that's cool as long as they're tags, not dogs.

Keeping a pet in suspended animation can't be a good thing, especially considering it's suspended from the front and anything that might fall lands right in the suspender's path. Definitely not a sandals day, Rhea. We wonder what her hubby think about this, isn't she married to that troll Danny DeVito? OMG that could be their kid!!
6) An American Werewolf in America

Not that the dark guardian appears to be making much of an effort but really, why bother? Just being there and rocking those wicked shades should keep anyone with itchy fingers far away lest they want to have that “itch” removed if you know what I mean, and I think you do.
5) Bizarro Elle Woods

Some people treat their children like dogs, others treat their dogs like children. It all balances out in the end assuming the people involved are, well, balanced. We're not sure that's the case with the Magenta Menace here – her little dog looks paralyzed with fear, drugged into somnolence or both. What other dog sits that way, hmm? I see your dogmatic cat and raise you a catatonic dog.

Scary, huh? This is nothing, just a casual outing to the local Walmart. Follow them home and things get really interesting or really creepy, assuming you're the type who finds creepy stuff interesting. Ever wonder what Elle Woods' life would be like if Legally Blonde didn't have a happy ending? Wonder no longer.
4) Terriers and Tiaras

So David “Son of Sam” Berkowitz finally got parole, good for him, that's what a few decades of good behavior will getcha. Wait, he's still in the slammer?

As for the dog herself... whew, Minnie Pearl has really let herself go! On the bright side, some plucky someone told her about that price tag hanging off her hat, which is nice considering it's been twisting in the wind since World War II was a coming attraction.
3) Santa Claws

You'd have to be convicted of being criminally insane to (a) dress your dog up as Santa and (b) bring him to Walmart with you and... ah yes, we forgot about the Sanity Clause.

Are we being too hard on this pooch's unseen owner? Not to be a grinch but you know who else dressed their dog in seasonal apparel?
2) Should've Gone Greyhound

Call this a DUIA: Driving Under the Influence of Alpo. Actually, the owner's sleeping it off in the back seat after giving his car keys to the designated Doberman.

Or around Walmart at least, and don't think he's a cheap date either. Have you seen Walmart's pet toys section lately? Well, have you?? Dobey should have rifled his dozing owner's wallet and hooked up a mini U-Haul to the mini Mini before picking up Fifi LeFemme.
1) Rover's Revenge

Locking one's dog in the car while the master/mistress goes shopping is NOT cool, OK? Then again, inconsiderate idiots do this to their children far too often so seeing a dog left alone in a parked car isn't all that surprising. What goes around, comes around however...

Hope you picked up a few of those rear view mirror pine tree car-fresheners, dude, 'cause you're really gonna need 'em.

Speaking of witch, er, which, someone appears impressed though if Dog Juan impresses his pinkie much further there'll be one more mutt in the local pound.
Thanks and a tip of the cap to People of Walmart, the hard-working source of these too-real images you only WISH were 'shopped!