Since ancient times, Asians have been a firm believer in maintaining harmony within their home. This is why they are mainly guided by the golden rules of the Chinese discipline “Feng Shui”. This millennial art aims to harmonize the energies of a given environment in order to bring its guests health, luck, well-being and prosperity. So much so that this ancestral philosophy is more relevant than ever in the field of interior decoration.
Feng Shui thus offers us the key elements to live harmoniously at home by attracting the right energies in order to precisely maximize peace and tranquility. But, apart from the call of these good vibes, it also alerts us to all the objects that tend to attract bad luck and negative energies. Here are 5 of them that you must banish from your home according to Feng Shui and certain popular beliefs to put the odds on your side!
A Cactus – Source: spm
1. Cacti
Feng Shui experts say that any flower with thorns brings bad luck to the house. Also, although it is easy to maintain, the cactus should not be installed inside your home, as it attracts bad energies and exacerbates negative emotions (anxiety, stress, sadness, anger, etc.). Indeed, he would tend to absorb all the tensions in his spines. Ideally, it would be wiser to keep it in the garden, outside the house, to attract maximum luck to your home!
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2. Old brooms
According to ancient legends, old brooms bring bad luck and trouble to the house. It is therefore advisable to get rid of it quickly. Generally speaking, Feng Shui strongly recommends throwing away all old appliances in the house. Likewise, when you move into a new environment, avoid bringing with you used mops or your old brooms that have accumulated all the tensions of the past.

Painting a wall green – Source: spm
3. Walls painted green
Although it symbolizes nature, life, serenity and energy, the color green should be used sparingly at home. For example, experts in the art of Feng Shui advise against painting the walls of your living rooms with this shade, however pretty it may be, so as not to attract bad luck to your side. However, if it has no place in bedrooms and bathrooms, it is recommended in the library and offices, since it promotes creativity and concentration.
NB : in the past, “Paris Green” (or Schweinfurt Green), often used to color toys, furniture and walls, was banned after certain specialists discovered it. It turned out that this substance contained traces of arsenic and could produce a very toxic gas.
4. White and red flowers in a vase
Who doesn’t love brightly colored fragrant flowers? They are so pleasing to the eye and add a real touch of elegance to any room. However, the superstitious of the Victorian era, more precisely of the late 19th century, firmly believed that bouquets of red and white flowers, contained in the same vase, were a bad omen. It was even said that these flowers, associated together, announced the imminent death of a member of the household. Better to avoid them!
Also, Feng Shui is not really fond of potpourri and other dried flowers. They would also have a morbid symbolism. To perfume your interior, opt instead for aromatic essential oils or incense.
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A broken mirror – Source: spm
5. Broken mirrors and windows
It is surely one of the most popular superstitions of humanity: when a mirror or a window breaks, we say immediately that we will be pursued by bad luck for 7 consecutive years. In the world of Feng Shui, the mirror is an essential element at home, because it helps the good vibes to circulate harmoniously in the environment. However, it must be in very good condition and its location must be perfectly well thought out. A damaged, cracked or stained mirror carries negative waves.
According to the Feng Shui discipline, and Asian beliefs, a mirror installed facing the bed is perceived as a third person who can interfere in the relationship with the life partner. It is therefore important to place it in the right place: it may surprise you, but it is not even advisable to put a mirror in the bedroom, as it may also disturb your sleep. If you insist on keeping one, keep it as far away from your bed as possible. Always opt for a round shape that promotes a more serene and soft atmosphere. Attention: the mirror should never reflect the sun, nor be placed in front of another glass surface. Also, make sure it doesn’t reflect a window or the front door, but rather a plant or other eye-catching object.
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