Life Coach Magazine

The Top 5 Health Issues Affecting Women In The U.S

By Djridings @fivethingsnow

When it comes to women’s health concerns, you need to know the most common ones so that you take the necessary steps to try and minimize their occurrence. There are several health issues that scientists have discovered to be the leading causes of death in women in the U.S. This article look at the top five conditions you need to be aware of.

Heart Disease

This is the leading killer of women in the U.S with the CDC reporting that it accounts for nearly 29 per cent of deaths annually. The major concern about this condition is that it causes disability and early deaths in women. This disease will make you unable to walk a short distance without gasping for breath. Risk factors for this disease include smoking, heredity, age (the older, the more you are likely to suffer the disease), obesity, diabetes, physical inactivity and high blood pressure.

Breast Cancer

This represents the most common type of cancer that affects women in the U.S. Many women fear going to the doctor to get screened for this condition because of the decisions that may follow. You may be predisposed to the condition if you have a family history, increase in age, race (white women are more predisposed), chest radiation at an early age, some medication and obesity.


Research has shown that depression is most likely to affect women as compared to men. Many ladies go into depression due to hormonal changes that occur after pregnancy and during menopause. Other factors that trigger depression include substance abuse, a family history of the condition, marital issues, serious illness or surgery, sexual abuse, eating disorders, anxiety disorder and more.


Of all Americans that suffer from this condition, 68 per cent are women. The disease develops as a result of some behavior that is adopted by ladies in their adolescence and childhood. Osteoporosis is common in women who are older. Other risk factors include diet (eating foods low in vitamin D and calcium), anorexia, family history of osteoporosis, sedentary life, smoking, drinking excessive alcohol, hormonal changes in menopause and more.

Autoimmune Conditions

The immune system is the one that makes your body fight invasion by foreign microorganisms that can cause disease. The system can be affected by some diseases that will make you prone to attack by diseases. Some of these conditions include lupus, diabetes and thyroid disease. When this type of condition attacks you, your body will be at risk of contracting other diseases. A research by the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association has shown that women are three times more likely to be affected by these diseases. Knowing about the most common diseases affecting your gender will make you take preventive steps against the conditions. You need to work closely with your doctor so that you can find the best way to treat or prevent the condition. Many of these conditions become fatal because they are usually misdiagnosed due to lack of proper equipment and procedures.

Advances in the medical field have led to the rise of non-invasive procedures that can diagnose and treat a wide variety of complicated conditions with minimal damage to your tissue. The advanced equipment allows the physician to handle the problem as accurately as possible. You can get more information by talking to qualified doctors at

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