Family Magazine

The Top 3 Dirtiest Places in a School

By Evette Garside @evette77

In a place full of kids, it is impossible for your kids not to get sick. But it is not always going to be caused by a sick kid sneezing or coughing around other healthy kids. A lot of times, the spread of diseases in school occur through indirect physical contact, or by touching dirty surfaces. The good news is this can be minimised with regular school and office cleaning Sydney. But to help you and your kids know what to avoid, here are the top 3 dirtiest places in the school:

Water Fountain

According to several studies, the dirtiest place in school are the water fountains. Some are even dirtier than a toilet seat. That is because water fountains do not get disinfected as often as necessary. In some schools, they do not get disinfected at all.

This is alarming since children in school share the use of water fountains. When they drink from it, they tend to put their mouths directly near the spout. This enables them to transport germs and bacteria from their mouths to the drinking fountain. Other kids, then, contract these harmful elements and get ill.

The top 3 dirtiest places in a school

To prevent your child from getting ill, teach them to keep their mouths away from the metal spout when drinking from the fountain. They should also let the water run for a few seconds before drinking.


Your children spend most of their time in school inside the classroom. This means that most of their germ-harbouring-and-spreading activities are done at their desks. That includes sneezing, coughing and eating. When they touch dirty surfaces, the dirt they collected also go directly to their desks. This makes your child's desks a breeding ground for germs and bacteria.

The top 3 dirtiest places in a school

You can help protect your child from this by making them bring a hand sanitizer to school. There are a wide variety of pocket-sized portable hand sanitizers in the market that you can purchase for your kids. Most of them can be clipped on bag zippers, making them readily available and easy to use. Help them develop the habit of sanitizing their hands before and after eating, and after using the toilet.

Restroom doors

It is a common belief that one of the dirtiest places anywhere are the toilets. However, numerous studies and research have disproved this notion. Because people think toilets are dirty, they take plenty of time cleaning and sanitising it. This, then, makes toilets a lot cleaner than other places. However, the bathroom door is another story.

A lot of children do not wash their hands after using the toilet. When they exit the restroom, they transport germs from their hands to the doors. The next person who exists the restroom, even when they wash their hands before leaving, contracts the germs and becomes susceptible to getting sick.

Final Thoughts

Sending your kids to school may seem scary after knowing all these facts. What makes it worse is that, as parents, you do not have control over what they do in school. You will not be there to make them wash their hands as frequently as they should, or make them cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze, or when someone else does.

What we can do, instead, is help our children develop hygienic habits by observing them at home. Teach your kids the proper handwashing techniques, make them do it before and after mealtime, as well as after using the toilet. It will also help a great deal to encourage the school personnel to hire professional school cleaners who will keep your child's learning environment completely clean and healthy.

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