What large dinosaurs can you name? T-Rex? Maybe even a Diplodocus? Well, let me tell you that they are mere minnows compared to the largest dinosaur to have ever lived. So let’s take a trip to the past and find some true giants…
The Top 10 Largest Dinosaurs Ever to Have Lived

10 – Apatosaurus
Info Source: The cervical vertebrae of Apatosaurus are less elongated and more heavily constructed than those of Diplodocus, a diplodocid like Apatosaurus, and the bones of the leg are much stockier despite being longer, implying that Apatosaurus was a more robust animal. The tail was held above the ground during normal locomotion.

9 – Mamenchisaurus
Info Source: Mamenchisaurus is a sauropod dinosaur genus including several species, known for their remarkably long necks[2] which made up half the total body length.

8 – Pelorosaurus
Info Source: Many species have been named in the genus but today these are largely seen as belonging to other genera. The first named species of Pelorosaurus, P. conybeari, is a junior synonym of Cetiosaurus brevis.

7 – Barosaurus
Info Source: Barosaurus was a giant, long-tailed, long-necked, plant-eating dinosaur closely related to the more familiar Diplodocus. Remains have been found in the Morrison Formation from the Upper Jurassic Period of Utah and South Dakota.

6 – Brachiosaurus
Info Source: Like all sauropod dinosaurs, Brachiosaurus was a quadrupedal animal with a small skull, a long neck, a large trunk with a high-ellipsoid cross section, a long, muscular tail and slender, columnar limbs.

5 – Diplodocus
Info Source: Diplodocus is among the most easily identifiable dinosaurs, with its typical sauropod shape, long neck and tail, and four sturdy legs. For many years, it was the longest dinosaur known. Its great size may have been a deterrent to the predators Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus: their remains have been found in the same strata, which suggests that they coexisted with Diplodocus.

4 – Supersaurus
Info Source: Supersaurus is a genus of diplodocid sauropod dinosaur first discovered by Vivian Jones of Delta, Colorado, in late Jurassic period rocks of the middle Morrison Formation of Colorado in 1972, and later in Portugal under the name S. lourinhanensis.

3 – Antarctosaurus
Info Source: Antarctosaurus is a genus of titanosaurian sauropod dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous Period of what is now South America. The type species, A. wichmannianus, was described by prolific German paleontologist Friedrich von Huene in 1929, who also described a second species in 1929.

2 – Ultrasaurus
Info Source: Ultrasaurus is a genus of sauropod dinosaur discovered by Haang Mook Kim in South Korea. However, the name was first used unofficially in 1979 by Jim Jensen to describe a set of giant dinosaur bones he discovered in the United States.

1 – Seismosaurus
Info Source: In 1991, paleontologist David Gillette announced that he had found the largest of the enormous sauropod dinosaurs. He called it Seismosaurus halli, and based on the parts of the skeleton that had been prepared at the time, Gillette believed Seismosaurus to be between 127 and 170 feet long!