
The Top 10 Health Benefits of Turmeric and Side Effects

Posted on the 02 July 2019 by Healthywikihow @healthywikihow

What is turmeric?

Health benefits of turmeric and side effects: Used internationally as a staple food in the kitchen, as an element of holistic medicine, as an offering for religious ceremonies and even as a dye in cosmetics, turmeric has offered the world countless uses and immense health benefits for millennia. The scientific name of the plant is Curcuma longa, a well-known perennial plant of the ginger family of Zingiberaceae. (turmeric benefits)
The beautiful, bright yellow root of turmeric has led to their nicknames "The Golden Spice" and "Indian Saffron". It has enriched countless cultures around the world with its beautiful coloring, unique aroma and unmistakable taste. (turmeric curcumin) Turmeric is available in the natural state of the entire turmeric root or in powdered, pressed, extracted or supplemented form and can provide countless preventive and curative measures. (turmeric health benefits)

benefits of turmeric

benefits of turmeric

The particular benefits of turmeric

The turmeric root contains natural oils, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and phytochemicals, which together provide healing properties for almost all areas of the body. Phytochemicals are naturally occurring phytochemicals that promote the healthy functioning of cells, tissues, organs, and systems. These compounds include anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatories, analgesics, and a variety of protective, preventive, and health-promoting derivatives that help support the body's natural functions.

The strong phenols in turmeric root meat are various curcuminoids: curcumin, desmethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin, which not only help fight germs, bacteria, and viruses but also help with digestive processes that support immunity, improve energy, maximize metabolic function, purify the blood, regulate blood sugar and increase mental processes.
It is these compounds that are responsible for the numerous health benefits of turmeric. Turmeric also contains quercetin, a plant pigment that gives color to many fruits and vegetables. They are antioxidants and trap free radicals that can damage cells.
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The health benefits of turmeric

1. Turmeric reduces the risk of cancer

Antioxidants are the key to cancer resistance. With more than 100 cancers per year affecting an alarming percentage of the population, the American Cancer Society estimates that every fourth death is attributable to this disease. Pharmaceutical companies promote chemotherapy products that can be effective but have crippling side effects, so the community of natural remedies has studied natural alternatives that can prevent the onset of cancer and possibly even completely kill cancer cells. Among its many benefits, turmeric is one of the natural remedies studied and has produced almost miraculous results.
Turmeric combats chronic inflammation, which is known to contribute to the development of cancer and promotes the ability of the body to fight the spread of cancer cells. Its powerful antioxidants support the body's natural defenses against oxidative changes that can lead to cancer developing and progressing. The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center has been working hard to investigate the effects of turmeric on cancer development and has described it as "one of the most effective cancer control agents," as reported in clinical cancer research. With the simple addition of 1 tablespoon of turmeric per day, you can naturally and effectively help keep your body and mind free of cancer.

2. Turmeric provides natural anti-inflammatory agents

Inflammation is a common cause of pain and discomfort and can even contribute to the development of serious illnesses and ailments. While many people choose to treat their inflammation with prescribed and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and NSAID pain relievers, these treatment options can not provide relief and pose serious health risks. For people with contraindicated diseases or people taking prescriptions that may be compromised by anti-inflammatory drugs, a purely natural treatment option can provide safe and effective relief. Turmeric is free of synthetic substances and is supported by scientific studies that have proven to be free of side effects.
Turmeric-based chemical compounds, such as curcumin, combined with vitamins and minerals that support the body's natural anti-inflammatory processes, one of the greatest health benefits of turmeric. The turmeric root or its extract may be used topically or orally to combat internal and external inflammation and may provide relief comparable to or superior to that of synthetic alternatives (according to an Article 2014 Clinical Interventions in Aging). Powdered turmeric, dissolved in water and applied to the swelling site with a compress, can provide immediate and lasting relief. Turmeric supplementation is taken orally in powder or compressed pill form and may also prevent inflammation in cells, tissues, and muscles. .... natural and effective. A topical solution can also be applied to the site of sore muscles, sprains, swelling, arthritis, and even general pain! Best of all, these applications can be used as often as needed to naturally relieve stress.

3. Turmeric strengthens immunity

You probably know that your immune system is responsible for protecting the body from the onset of disease. However, few people know that a significant part of the immune system is directly related to the digestive system. The digestive system frees the body of waste while recovering and absorbing the essential nutrients from whole foods, and distributes the essential elements of nutrition throughout the body. All of these benefits enhance immune system function and help keep the body free of bacteria, viruses, and microbes, as well as damaging oxidative free radical damage. Since nutrition is so important to optimal body health, it is easy to understand why the digestive system plays such an important role...
Knowing that nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals support the body's immune system, researchers began to study specific natural foods and spices that are particularly good at maintaining, protecting and strengthening immunity. Turmeric has proven to be one of the best foods for this purpose. It provides the body with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties and antiviral, antibacterial and antimicrobial compounds (including curcumin). These turmeric benefits help in the functioning of the digestive system support and also support the protective capacity of the immune system to keep diseases and diseases in check. Simply adding a small 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric to your daily diet can provide the body with these protective immunity-enhancing benefits for more health in a natural way.

4. Turmeric balances hormone levels

Hormones are involved in every conceivable process that takes place in the brain and body. These hormones, which flow through the body with ease, are necessary to support life functions of all kinds. Digestion, muscle contraction, nervous system function, sleep, and mood can all be attributed to a specific interaction of hormones, and therefore hormonal balance is so important to the quality of health and well-being. Researchers know that lifestyle factors and diet definitely play a big role in maintaining hormonal production and balance, but there are times when genetics and mutations disrupt hormonal balance. While many drugs are trying to restore hormone balance, science and medicine have begun
Turmeric is capable of supporting the body's hormonal production processes with sufficient nutrients.+ Improves immunity by delivering phytonutrients that prevent diseases, diseases, and mutations that can interfere with hormonal production. + Cleans the blood of toxicity. + Breaks the blood-brain barrier for immediate on-site delivery of phytochemicals. + Regulates and supports the health of all organs involved in hormone production.
Turmeric root is a simple, safer approach to achieving hormonal balance.

5. Turmeric prevents hair loss

Hair loss can almost always be attributed to nutritional deficiency. Whether the deficiency is due to poor diet, lifestyle choices or hereditary diseases, the body's failure to absorb and utilize essential nutrients can adversely affect several physical processes, including the production and maintenance of hair. The hair follicles can be compromised resulting in minimal production of new hair growth and the inability to obtain existing hair. Over-the-counter products that promise to prevent hair loss often contain harsh chemicals and synthetic additives that can move the skin and inhibit healthy, natural hair retention.
Because it contains a range of nutrients that help the skin achieve optimal levels of health, turmeric extract, and dietary supplements can be used for both internal and external applications to ensure that the scalp stays healthy and hair continues to grow. The beneficial polyphenols of turmeric fight free radical damage, which can make the scalp riddled with health problems, and help counteract the health problems and conditions that can cause hair loss.

6. Turmeric promotes proper digestion

One way that turmeric benefits the body is to support the digestive system. Your digestive system consists of several parts that work together to move and process the food you eat. From the saliva in the mouth (which begins to disintegrate the food) to the muscular movements of the esophagus (which draws food into the intestine) to the release of bile through the gallbladder (which disintegrates food), digestion is a complex process. Because so many organs and functions are involved in digestion, the process can be easily disturbed, especially if you do not get enough of the vitamins and minerals needed to support these organs and their functions. The enzymes, acids, and excretions needed for good digestion are only produced if sufficient amounts of the nutrients on which they depend are included in the diet. Since most people find it hard to stick to a squeaky clean diet with whole fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and grains to ensure maximum nutrient availability, you'll love to discover that turmeric can help.
With the turmeric range of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds, it can provide just the nutrition the digestive system needs to support enzymatic reactions, acid production, muscle movement, and optimal nutrient absorption. Just add 1 tablespoon of grated, powdered or liquid turmeric extract to any of your dishes every day. All the benefits of turmeric combined to create the perfect elements of the digestive system that promote optimal (and regular!) Digestion every day!

7. Turmeric promotes fat loss

The body needs specific nutrients to fulfill every function of burning fat. These features include:
+ Increase metabolism (improve calorie consumption) + regulate blood sugar levels and minimize insulin resistance + regulate hormone production and hormone levels (ensure that cortisol and other fatty hormones are kept in check) + improve communication between the digestive system and the brain via neurotransmitters to ensure that feelings of satiety are adequately experienced.
When you add turmeric to your daily diet, be it a turmeric supplement containing curcumin or motorized turmeric root, the nutrients needed for each of these processes are delivered to the right organs through the bloodstream, promoting the successful functioning of each system,
If every system is optimized, you will find that your:
+ The food is properly digested. + The bile production is balanced. + The energy level is higher. + The feeling of fullness becomes easier. + The calorie burning rates are higher.

All of these benefits result in increased fat burning, as in an article in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistryconfirmed in 2015! You can be sure that your systems are optimized by integrating turmeric into your daily routine. The combination of essential vitamins, wonderful minerals, and powerful phytochemicals helps support and optimize the body's natural processes of burning fat. Turmeric tastes great in teas, smoothies, snacks, and meals, so it's a very versatile and delicious ingredient that can maximize flavor and fat burning. So if you are hoping to lose fat without the pills, potions, and products that promise but do not deliver opt instead for the natural doses of turmeric and the associated health benefits that can help you get fat fast and healthy to lose!

8. Turmeric cleanses the liver

Your liver is entrusted with the difficult task of cleansing the body fluids of toxins, pollutants, and irritants. The liver, therefore, plays an important role in maintaining the immunity of the body and its ability to fight infections and maintain overall health. If the liver itself is endangered by toxins from the diet, the environment, or the lifestyle, it will function poorly, and this can lead to catastrophic consequences that can negatively impact the mind and body. With a focus on healthy living and taking advantage of the many benefits of turmeric, anyone can reverse the damage to the liver, improving their health and productivity.
With a fully functional, healthy liver, your body and mind can thrive, free of oxidative properties and free radicals that can rampage, kill or alter cells throughout the body. (Oxidation is a process that produces harmful and potentially dangerous "free radicals" that can move through the bloodstream and tissues throughout the body and cause potentially harmful changes in the cells.) Turmeric's purifying phytochemicals, including curcumin, work As powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, protect and cleanse the liver and the whole body!

9. Turmeric can help prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's is an illness that affects an estimated 44 million people worldwide and has devastating effects on the human body. Alzheimer's stops functioning neurons erodes existing brain tissue and causes devastating damage to the entire nervous system. Despite awareness and research, Alzheimer's is still considered an unpredictable and uncontrollable disease. We know that the condition affecting the masses is exacerbated by the use of synthetic additives, which are often found in food ingredients and storage containers, but at the present time, we know very few preventive or curative measures. Recent scientific studies, such as 2008 in the Annals of Indian Academy of Neurologyhowever, have shown how purely natural phytochemicals such as curcumin could change the treatment approach with fewer side effects and improved outcomes!
The blood-brain barrier is an extremely selective, permeable barrier that separates circulating blood from the brain fluid in the nervous system. This barrier blocks large molecules that can cause potential damage by disrupting the normal functions of the brain, nerves, and so on. In contrast to drug therapies that can not pass through the blood-brain barrier to deliver the corrosive drugs directly to the Alzheimer's affected brain areas, turmeric allows the strong phytochemical curcumin absorbed in the blood and delivered directly to the needy brain sites becomes. In addition to fighting inflammation and infection, curcumin also fights protein deposits and inhibition of the nervous system by digging out these potentially dangerous protein deposits, which contribute to the brain's breakdown in connection with Alzheimer's disease. With a simple teaspoon of turmeric per day, fresh or powdered, mixed in meals, smoothies or a simple elixir, you can fight Alzheimer's disease in a natural and delicious way.

10. Turmeric reduces arthritis pain

Arthritis is pain and inflammation that occurs in the joints. Millions of people are suffering from this appalling condition, seeking support for physiotherapy, medication and lifestyle changes. While many things can be done to minimize the pain of arthritis, such as taking cortisone injections, adhering to daily prescription drug regimens, and taking analgesics, the underlying cause of inflammation is rarely affected. All of these treatments still leave the arthritis patient with "flare-ups" - exacerbated by synthetic pharmaceutical drug use, which can affect the body by affecting the normal functioning of the body's systems. Mood swings Sleep disorders and heart complications are just a few of the common side effects of medicines used to treat arthritic diseases. This is where the health benefits of turmeric come into play. By choosing a turmeric regimen, an arthritis patient can find effective, safe, and natural relief of the condition.
In a study on knee osteoarthritis, 2014 in Clinical Interventions in Aging1,500 mg turmeric supplements daily showed anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties comparable to 800 mg ibuprofen. Turmeric can help with arthritis pain and at the same time treat the underlying cause: inflammation. The turmeric's phytochemicals help relieve inflammation in the joints, cleanse the blood of impurities while promoting proper functioning of the liver to ensure that the toxins that can contribute to arthritis flare are minimized throughout the body or are no longer present , Turmeric Extract also provides essential nutrients to enhance body functions that help restore and restore joint health throughout the body.

Turmeric side effects

Turmeric is generally a very safe ingredient and a supplement. However, talk to your doctor before starting any routine that involves it. Here are some specific situations that require special attention before you use turmeric:
+ Turmeric in food is safe during pregnancy, but it can not be turmeric supplements. + Those with gallbladder problems may find that turmeric makes them worse. + Turmeric may slow down blood clotting, so those with bleeding problems or an upcoming surgery should be careful. + Curcumin can lower the blood sugar level in diabetics. + High levels of turmeric can affect iron absorption. + Turmeric can lower testosterone levels and sperm movement, which can affect fertility. + High levels of turmeric may increase the production of stomach acid, which could be problematic for people with reflux or ulcers.

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