What is it about zoos that brings out the best in animals but the worst in people? Zoo managers have tried to strike a balance between nanny-like scolding and gentle chiding to keep visitors on their best behavior. The results can be seen in this illustrated review of the top 10 funniest zoo signs... bars none.
10) Unless You ARE a Lion...

You can say “I'm the king of the world!” almost anywhere you want but don't do it while standing on the king of the beasts. Most would agree spouting Leo DiCaprio's classic film line is probably safer when emoted on the actual Titanic. (Funny zoo sign image via Funny Signs)
9) The Straight Poop on Gorillas

Odd, I didn't know “gorillas are known to throw objects such as clumps of dirt.” Perhaps “such as” are the key words here. Still confused? Try considering what type of objects are typically found in gorilla enclosures... besides dirt and gorillas, that is. (Funny zoo sign image via Battlecat)
8) Meals On Wheels

Indeed, crocodiles are equal-opportunity, all-access predators and a South African zoo wants everyone to be aware of that fact. One supposes the zoo should be congratulated for installing a ramp for the handicapped but before doing so, check to see just what kind of ramp it is. (Funny zoo sign image via James Michael Hill)
7) Cows For Dummies

Don't tell me, tell Mongo. This may not be an actual zoo sign but hey, a really cheap and cheesy (literally) zoo just might have cows. So let's see, doing the old “Ride 'em Cowboy!” thing is out but procuring some refreshing moo-juice direct from the source is in? Got it... and after that do I tip the cow? (Funny zoo sign image via Arun)
6) Turtle Waxxx

Either it's mating season at the turtle exhibit or the Galapagos Islands are having a heat wave... a tropical heatwave at that. On the other hand, if your tortoise is hot, you just might be a redneck. (Funny zoo sign image via AxsDeny)
5) Your 15 Minutes Are... UP!

You don't have to be Admiral Ackbar to know this sign is a trap. Anyone who finishes reading it is bound to glance upwards and then... well, let's just hope it hasn't been 15 minutes since the last visitor learned about birds the hard way. (Funny zoo sign image via Caroll/Imgfave)
4) S*** Happens

That's the thing about suddenness, it can happen... just like that! Thankfully, the staff at a Chinese zoo have kindly posted signage indicating the consequences lest (lest?) visitors cross any railings. Whew, those railings must be really sensitive. (Funny zoo sign image via FreeAmazingImages.com)
3) The Other Angry Birds

Excuse me, but “Aggressive Crane”? Really? What kind of cheap dimestore zoo is this anyway? Is the next exhibit the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog? Things could be worse – the sign could read “Passive Crane” or even “Passive-Aggressive Crane”, which actually IS scary when it stops taking its meds. (Funny zoo sign image via Webphemera)
2) That'll Get Your Goat

“Honey, I'm going to pick up the kids!” Oh no you're not, buster, can't you read the sign? Obviously picking up goats is a big problem at this presumed petting zoo – either that, of the quality of the local ladies leaves much to be desired even after last call. The beer goggles, they do nothing. (Funny zoo sign image via Chiefsworld)
1) Just Don't Do It

This sign was posted at the Rajiv Gandhi Zoological Park, though it should have been named for his brother Roget. Now that they know what NOT to do, visitors may feel free to mock, aggravate, taunt, irritate, insult, humiliate, denigrate, provoke, flip off, castigate, terrorize, scare, obfuscate, confuse, poke, abuse, hector and pillory the animals. (Funny zoo sign image via Toronto Star)

Someone told me it's all happening at the zoo... and that includes suddenness; it says so on the sign. Maybe someday we “highly evolved” humans can visit zoos without having to be told via signage what not to do. Maybe the fact we need such signs now means we're not quite ready to be our animal brothers' zookeepers. (Funny zoo sign images at top via Decoded Stuff and above via FreeAmazingImages.com)