Entertainment Magazine

The Too Much TV Roundup- 11/27/23

Posted on the 28 November 2023 by Sirmac2 @macthemovieguy

Since this might be the shortest roundup ever, or tied with it, I figured I’d take this moment to give thoughts on the Gotham Awards. I think it’s hilarious that Lily Gladstone won for a film no one has heard of or seen, against nominees people have seen and heard of. She won, because Killers Of The Flower moon, but that film didn’t submit, so she was ineligible. So, they nominated her for something else, and gave her the trophy anyway. She’s not leaping into the Oscar race with a second film, as she can only be nominated for one.Killers is obviously her priority. Not surprised at the other winners, and that win for Charles Melton goes a long way to validate him in a Best Supporting Actor race that is getting tougher. He beat out Ryan Gosling, so there’s something.

And now, the sad amount of TV I watched:

1) Wrestlers (Netflix)

English Audio Description?: No

Status: Limited

This wrestling drama is looking at another pay per view event with a supposedly major wrestler I’ve never heard of. There was also the development of a relationship, for wrestling story purposes.

Episode Grade: B+

2) Billions (Paramount Plus)

English Audio Description?: yes

Status: Final Season

David Constable’s Wags owns the third episode, as he starts waxing melancholy about not being needed and having no place in this current atmosphere, until Winston tries to leave the company and make money from code he wrote while working for Prince. Originally agreeing to let Taylor handle it, Wags just absolutely destroyed every scene in the best of ways once he did get involved, showing his uncountered rage when necessary, and that devious and sly nature that has always kept him up at the top. Yeah, Chuck and Prince did some things too, and there was a nice little cameo at the end for Basketball fans. But, Wags stole this episode.

Episode Grade: A

And that’s it. That’s how busy I was yesterday.

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