When I saw the title:"Stupid things parents do," I had to click. I was sure I had done at least one of them!
So here's the test from the CNN story: Let me know how man
1.Moving baby to a bigger car seat too early (Don't turn it around until 2 years old)
2. Letting baby sleep in swing. ( My husband used to work with someone whose child died while sleeping in a swing.)
3. Letting your baby watch "Educational" videos
4. Keeping babies off their tummies
5. Microwaving you baby's bottle.
I am relieved to say, I only messed up one. However, it's a serious one. None of my kids liked the swing, but one of them would only sleep in the bouncy chair. According to this article, he could have had a lack of oxygen and he was more likely to have a flat head(which he did!)
-NewsAnchorMom Jen
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