Gardening Magazine

The Tiresome Trifecta with a Totally Tasty Plan B

By Kate_miller
The Tiresome Trifecta with a Totally Tasty Plan B
Thunder, lightening, drenching rain.
This trifecta can only mean one thing ~ it must be Memorial Weekend!
The Tiresome Trifecta with a Totally Tasty Plan B
Like clockwork, every year, the teasing warmth of an early summer disappears at the precise moment I start dusting off the camping gear.
The Tiresome Trifecta with a Totally Tasty Plan B
I've been prowling the nurseries. Drooling over the new flowers they have to offer.
But, I leave my purse in the car so as not to be too tempted too early.
The Tiresome Trifecta with a Totally Tasty Plan B
And, I keep my big mouth shut when strolling past the happy lines of optimistic shoppers, scooping up cheery flowering baskets, tender annuals ~ giddy over the great weather we've been having.
The Tiresome Trifecta with a Totally Tasty Plan B
I do not utter a word about how they're jumping the gun and Mother Nature has one more trick up her sleeve.
Because, nobody likes it when you rain on their parade. Including me.
The Tiresome Trifecta with a Totally Tasty Plan B
So, I'm working a Totally Tasty Plan B ~ Dry Rub Ribs for this Ultra Iffy Memorial Day BBQ. These cook better in the oven than they do on the grill.
The Tiresome Trifecta with a Totally Tasty Plan BDry Rub Ribs
  • 2 tbs roasted, ground cumin
  • 2 tbs dark brown sugar
  • 2 tbs smoked paprika
  • 2 tbs onion powder
  • 1 tablespoon chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 2 tbs salt and 2 tbs pepper (or let your guests handle this when you're done cooking)
* First, baste the ribs with 3 tbs fresh roasted garlic and 2 tbs spicy brown mustard. Then sprinkle the dry ingredients onto the ribs. Bake @ 300 for 2-3 hours.
Have you ever wondered why BBQ joints feature dancing piggies in their logos?If I were the piggy, I'd be making a quick exit from this party.

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