Destinations Magazine

The Third Strike: Xiamen, China!

By Josephharrison1990 @JTAH_1990

Would it be third time lucky for Xiamen? Well, those previous two trips to that Fujian city had been questionable, I'm talking about the quality of hotels I had found myself staying at! I was more than ready to make 'The Third Strike' happen because I had missed that almost island city, I wanted to take things at a more methodical pace with only one day planned. Xiamen did great! 

The Third Strike: Xiamen, China!

Deep down, I knew that myself and Xiamen had some unfinished business to take care of! Back in February 2024, I planned this trip whilst I was on my CNY holiday in the Philippines, I already knew what I wanted to do for 2024's May Day Holiday! Cue to my fly out date, I had decided to take a conveniently timed evening flight down to Xiamen from Ningbo the day before my self-guided day out in the city. The weather made the flight bumpy on those finals into Xiamen but I was not feeling stressed, it was blessed to finally fly into the city because Xiamen North Railway Station could take a hike! I did have some mild trepidation regarding my hotel choice because both times before in Xiamen had been crazy! I had picked the same brand, '汉庭酒店/Hanting Hotel' had been a brand that I chosen before during my first initial visit to the city in 2018. I had absolutely nothing to worry about, my bed was comfortable and the room looked as if it had been recently done up! Sure, it felt like heaven to not be talking to the manager! Oh! 

After checking into my standard room, I didn't have any stresses to deal with that hotel situation because there wasn't any negative situation to resolve! I stepped out of the hotel with tea on my mind, not the kind you drink with milk and sugar because I'm talking about an evening meal! It was lovely to mosey around those familiar Xiamen city streets, being back within that '思明区/Siming District' part of the city felt correct. I settled for instant noodles and few other bits from an all night convenience store because I wanted to finish up a blog post. Bright and reasonably early the next morning. I surfaced from my hotel room to find the above captured breakfast. I chose a local Fujian breakfast bowl that was called '扁食/Bian Shi', those steamed pork Wontons were served up in a hot and satisfying broth. I included a '麻球/Ma Qiu' for good measure, that Glutinous rice based treat was delicious! No coffee for me, I slurped on my rich warm bowl of '豆奶/Dou Nai'. If you don't follow such 中文, do feel free to translate said words. 

The Third Strike: Xiamen, China!

Getting on the metro felt correct, I took Line 1 towards Xiamen North Railway Station to access my first official tourist spot of the day. Please, I had no plans to torture myself with a visit to that gargantuan railway interchange because I got off at '高崎地铁站/Gao Qi Station' to find '清水宮/Qingshui Palace'. I clocked this curious looking palace on my Chinese lifestyle APP, with a continuous flow of arriving planes passing over, I couldn't say no to visiting! As I stepped out of the metro station I felt a serious clap back because that 'Gao Qi' neighbourhood served 'Realness' with me being the only foreigner in-sight! I absolutely lived for that 'down to earth area' because it sure took me back to my early days in China! Where was that pint-sized palace located? I just needed to follow those low approaching flights, I was literally spitting distance away from Xiamen Airport! So, that area didn't faze me because I am used to such places, the unassuming tourist would've got a huge culture shock! I didn't want to pray, I wanted to plane spot! Let's fly! 

Props to that small temple looking palace, but you know that I was gooped and gagged when that Xiamen Air flight swooped over that mentioned place of worship. I was able to clock three approaching flights during my time spent at that 'House of God!' Sure, the noise was a lot and it really did make me wonder how those local residents got any sleep because there's no curfew! I wasn't alone, the area around the front of the temple was heaving with other people who were trying to catch a snap of those arriving flights, we all shared a common goal. I was actually quite happy with how the above photo came out once I had edited it, how I wish I had my now new phone with me during that trip! I needed a coffee, it was a blessing to find a McDonald's in the metro station after I had left the temple. Being back in Xiamen felt correct, I had done myself proud by having a local breakfast and trusting a not so tourist appropriate part of the city, it was all love! Back onto the metro I went, I headed back towards the city to find something familiar. 

The Third Strike: Xiamen, China!

My second trip to Xiamen saw me checking out a different side of the city, I got to know a more honest side near to 'Zhongshan Pedestrian Street'. In 2024, I had wanted to delve further into that area because I knew a different vibe would find me. The flagship 'Zhongshan Pedestrian Street' didn't impress third time around, I chose to trust those 2023 memories to take me towards something more honest. To tell the truth, I didn't get lost because I could feel the energy around those streets and my Chinese map reading skills are now a million miles better since that original trip back in 2018. I did meet with that second impression within that area but a certain monotonous displaying of 'street snacks' didn't impress me all that much. I knew that I would need to enter some of those narrow and winding alleyways, I wasn't worried but I am not a fan of unleashed guard dogs. I didn't find one during that investigative moment, my caution had been for nothing! I needed to hang on in there and trust that hidden Xiamen path! Xiamen, let's go! 

Those alleyways were head and shoulders above that previously mentioned tourist road, I loved the fact that I didn't see any repetitive gift shops also! I dragged my heels as I walked through those winding passages because it was amazing to see the everyday life that was going down. I felt that third glimpse around that 'honey pot' area trumped over the brightly lit tourist mess that I had witnessed before. I really needed to get nearer to the water and I was in need of some liquid refreshment. I found myself looking over at '鼓浪屿/Gulangyu', it felt very satisfying to know that the island had been crossed off during the previous trip because it had taken a lot to co-ordinate that visit. Walking along that water-facing road saw me saying 'No Thanks' to Starbucks because I wanted to down an ice cold '长岛冰茶/Long Island Iced Tea' at 'Commune' instead! I felt at peace, Xiamen third time around made sense to me! A cocktail in the afternoon? Why not?! After all, I was on my holidays! Definitely, I was ready for more sights and delights! 

The Third Strike: Xiamen, China!

The heat of the day was starting to get to me, I needed to find someplace that boasted shade and coolness. I had intentionally wanted to revisit Xiamen's own '红山隧道/Hongshan Tunnel', during my first visit to Xiamen I had visited this tunnel with great interest but decided for some reason to not capture any photos, that was a choice! I learned that this now 'Railway Culture Park' was formerly part of Xiamen's first railway line, known as the 'Yingxia Railway'. After walking a little bit further from Commune, I was able to find this tunnel with ease. This tunnel offered me refuge from the building humidity, I was grateful for that change in temperature. Remembering that I needed to wish my Niece a very happy birthday once I had left the tunnel on the other side, I also saw another familiar sight. Yes, that familiar sight was Xiamen's Botanical Gardens, a place where I had to deal with those Chinese New Year crowds back in 2018, never again babes! It felt great to visit the tunnel again and to make sure those photos were captured! 

Now, I wanted to see something scenic as late afternoon beckoned but was I ready for that adventure or not? No, I wasn't! The tunnel had led me slap bang where I had started a couples of hours earlier, as I crossed the road opposite from '中山公园/Zhongshan Park' I knew that I didn't want to visit that green space. Nevertheless, I called a taxi and headed towards 'Hulishan Fort' but I had my pin located someplace else. The traffic was murder but I didn't expect anything else because Xiamen attracts a lot of people, we all just wanted to see those ocean views. I climbed to the top of this mountain-like hill amongst a rather fancy establishment, I was there for the views as the sun went down! I was content with that view, I needed to eat though! Heading down the hill would lower those prices for certain, the seafood fried rice hit the spot! Convenience store cans of beer hit different, they really do! Oh, getting a taxi back to my hotel was murder, it was unbelievably busy! I bundled myself into a vacant taxi, hoping for the best! 

Xiamen... I Loved The Chaos! 

Desperately Seeking Adventure

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