Gardening Magazine

The Teasel Feast

By Ozhene @papaver
It snowed again, just when Spring had officially begun and just as it felt that it was time for things to start growing again, it snowed.
I have done quite a bit of my Spring cutting back in the garden, not everything is cleared away to allow for the new growth, but the majority has been.  I am never quick to tidy up the old growth in the garden, I see it as a way of protecting the new growth whilst the worst of the frosts and snow are around.  I also see it as a great place for hibernating insects and potential food for birds.  I am also just not that tidy.
I have mentioned before that I love growing teasels.  They are a good all-year plant, they have architectural growth, bee-friendly flowers and then great seed heads that stand proud all winter long.  I have cleared away from from garden but the thicket in the wild garden remains and a few in the conservatory border as to be honest I like seeing them still giving the garden some height before the new spring growth really kicks in.  Today I was glad I had not rushed to clear them.
The teasel feast The teasel feast The teasel feast The teasel feast I might even have been almost as glad as the goldfinches.

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