Michael L.
Sometimes the best posts are very brief and to the point.
The Elder has such a piece entitled, 5000 killed in Syria every month.
And that, really, is all you need to know.
According to conservative scholar, Daniel Pipes, the total dead from the Arab-Israel conflict between 1950 and the early part of the twenty-first century is around fifty-one thousand people, ranking it number 49 among significant wars. My understanding is that about two-thirds were Arab and one-third Jewish.
Between 1949 and 1976, the Red Chinese under Mao killed around forty million people.
40 million.
Ponder that for a moment, if you will.
Part of the problem that we have is that our opponents seem to have no sense of ethical proportionality.
They claim to stand for social justice and universal human rights, yet it is the Jews that they spit hatred towards.