Current Magazine

The Super Bowl’s Super Ad Spending

Posted on the 15 March 2017 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

Super Bowl commercials have always been intriguing. We can’t help but wonder how companies pulled off those ideas. How long did they prepare it? How much did they pay for the actors? How much did it cost them? And the most intriguing question: was it worth the expense?

According to a Carnegie Mellon University Professor Michael D. Smith, Super Bowl is one of the last remaining ways to reach a mass audience. No doubt business titans would do everything to earn a commercial spot. CNN media reported an average of 111.9 million TV viewers during Super Bowl 50. And that doesn’t count the actual number of live audience.

Ad Age data reveals a total of $4.5 billion ($5.9 billion, adjusted for inflation) spent on Super Bowl commercials in its first 50 years. Yes, a lot of money! Check this infographic presented by Team Sports. It highlights Super Bowl’s super ad spending throughout the years.

Super Bowl commercial ads


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