Lately I have linked up with The Girls Between the Lines. I love this weekly link up because it allows me to tell you more about myself. This week is
Favorite Photo and Story Behind It This is going to be really tough to pick just ONE photo because I love taking pictures. I decided on a picture of Heisman. We got Heisman from a friend of a friend's mom on facebook. She had a litter of half doxie and half jack russel dogs that she couldn't keep. Heisman was the only boy out of the group. As soon as I saw this picture on my friends page, I knew that I had to have a pup. When he was ready we went down to pick him up. He was born in South Norman, which is 30 minutes south of Oklahoma City. As we were driving down we talked about names. If we would get his sister to. We saw Heisman at first glance fell in love. Since then we have experienced so much love from Heisman. We had a good life before Heisman, but now I can't imagine my life without him. As cheesy and cliche as it sounds he has made our life so much better. I love this dog!! While we are getting settled in Charleston, he will be living my parents in Michigan. I can't wait to hear all about his stay there.