Last Updated on 18 December, 2020
The Stanley Parable Achievements guide – A quick guide to unlock all the achievements, also the Go Outside and the Unachievable achievements
You can also visit our endings guide
The Stanley Parable Achievements – Click on Door 430 Five Times
Go to the door 430 and click on it, then the narrator asks you or challenges you to complete some tasks, do what he wants and he will finally ask you to click five times on door 430, so you can get the achievement
The Stanley Parable Achievements – Beat the Game
Just obey the narrator and get the freedom ending, but make sure to don’t disobey him even once
The Stanley Parable Achievements – You can’t jump
Jump several times until you unlock the achievement
The Stanley Parable Achievements – Welcome back
Just quit the game (the Stanley Parable) and open it again
The Stanley Parable Achievements – Achievement
Go to the extras menu, and enable and disable the achievements option until you unlock this achievement
The Stanley Parable Achievements – Commitment
Play the game (The Stanley Parable) for 24 hours during Tuesday, or also cheat using your computer’s clock
Unachievable achievement
It’s really hard to get, because the achievement is given randomly to certain players, but this is the best possible guide:
- Make sure the game is closed.
- Edit your config file, it is located in your Steam folder. For example: D:\Steam\SteamApps\common\The Stanley Parable\thestanleyparable\cfg\config.cfg just open it with any text editor
- Add this line to the file (in a new row): bind “x” “~;_u”
- Save the file then right-click it and chose properties. (at least in windows…)
- Check the attribute “Read-only” and save this change.
- Open the game
- Hit the “x” key
- Wait a few seconds
Go Outside achievement
Don’t play the game for 5 years, or also cheat using your computer’s clock
Speed Run achievement
Is like the Beat the game achievement, but you have to complete the game in les than 4 minutes, so you will need to:
- Press the 2845 on the boss office before the narrator finishes, go there at least 2 more times, so he just opens the door for you.
- Go on the elevator of The Boss’s Office at least once, to immediately get down.
- In the mind control facility, after pressing any button before getting in the elevator, get on the tables and jump to the catwalks when they are still rising and go ahead.
8888888888888888 Achievement
Go to the boss’ keypad and enter number 8 eight times
How to Reset Achievements?
Enable the developer console and enter the console command “tsp_resetzaxis” (without ” “)