With the Lunar Messenger for Leo, there are now 22 years of composing each month a text on the basis of the wisdom teachings mainly of Master EK, E. Krishnamacharya, and Master KPK, Sri Kumar. It is surprising to look back about the variety of topics which came. I feel that the inspirations are coming from a subtle source.
For the “Lunar Messenger” for Leo full moon, I chose the topic of “The 12 Adityas”, see also here. And I would like to let you know how this topic grew.
Over the years, this topic was touched in several Lunar Messengers, but not in greater depth. And it appeared also in various paintings, like the one on “Aditi – the Mother of Light and the Birth of the Twelve Lights”, the 12 Adityas, from 11 September 2011.

11 September 2011, pencils, crayons and photo work
Since more than a year, Sri Kumar has been teaching in his online classes about Aditi, the cosmic consciousness, expressing through 12 qualities of the cosmic person, the 12 Adityas, and the way the spiritual Light comes down over different levels up to us, the human being. And in the beginning he said:
“A man who is just mind oriented gathers things, develops some concepts which are confusing, and then confuses others with their expressions.”
And: “Knowledge can be assimilated only when practices are carried out, and all assimilation happens in the buddhic plane, and the mind when it is more and more in association with the buddhic plane only wisdom is retained, not otherwise.”

09 February 2014, pencils and photo work
Although I rediscovered these sentences only now, it is this, which has touched me since a long time. I have listened to all the lectures but was it more than assimilating mental concepts? What did I understand about the Aditya, the cosmic sun?? And the Adityas? I felt – nearly nothing, and the teachings were like escaping from my mind, from my understanding.
I pondered on, What does it have to do with me? How do I use the teachings for self-transformation? How can I integrate something in my life?

17 April 2015, pencils and photo work
Daily in the morning, after some asanas and before meditation, I have been working with certain visualisations to relate to some of the cosmic dimensions and impregnate / align myself.
So, the last weeks, I chose the topic of the 12 Adityas for the Lunar Messenger Leo, which is related to the Sun on the different planes of creation.
I worked on what the Master had said about “Aditya”, collecting all the relevant mentions of the 12 Adityas from transcriptions and books – a big text collection, grouped it, pondered on it to bring the essence down to my understanding and, in text form, to the size of the Lunar Messenger. This helped me very much to gain more clarity.
I was thrilled feeling a cosmic dimension of astrology and of the sources of the zodiac developing like an inkling beyond the mind’s horizon.
I integrated the 12 Adityas into my daily visualisations. It helps me to open a door to a deeper understanding, growing slowly like a flower. And maybe also giving a little deeper understanding of Sri Kumar’s teachings of the last 12 months.
So, may this Lunar Messenger Leo, which has just come out today, be of some help for others as well.

See the video: https://youtu.be/WQrqxeKWIhI
12 December 2016, pencils and photo work