Entertainment Magazine

The Small Screen Diaries- 07/02/24

Posted on the 03 July 2024 by Sirmac2 @macthemovieguy

Inching closer to the finale of Sweet Tooth (Netflix), in an episode that saw Gus finally reach Alaska, but right behind him is Helen. Look, I love me some Sweet Tooth, but people find their random ass locations or are found at random ass locations far too much in this show. I feel like if the story required Gus to find the lost city of Atlantis, it would take him two minutes to find it, and another minute for everyone else to find him. I can actually imagine him being greeted down at Atlantis with “No one has been down here in thousands of years, how did you get here Dear Boy?” “I just knew I needed to get here, and heads up, in about thirty seconds a militia of people will know my exact location.” Even in this episode, where they find him damn near immediately at this outpost, and then send the wolves after him, he’s magically found by the deer man. In the middle of a blizzard. Shoutout to Toni Gannon for some excellent work on narration this season. The show has been well written, but even though Gannon isn’t proliferating the field with her work, she’s perfect for this show. I love narrators who I feel like we’re watching the show together in some odd way, who react appropriately to what is happening on screen, and Toni does that.

I knocked out another episode of Wandla (Apple Plus), which has a tall order when it comes to audio description. Sadly, Eva walks out into a fantasy world, which means damn near everything needs a high level of description in order to really be immersed. Now, I’m going to break with one of my own rules here, and say that this is one of the few exceptions to my new audio description rule on using names as early as possible. Here, Eva meets a character in Episode 2, who doesn’t speak her language. He says something to her that makes it seem like that is what his name is, but the audio description reveals what his actual name is, long before he has a real opportunity to do so. So it ruins that gag. considering we learn this information just a few minutes later, I don’t think there would have been a problem with embracing Eva’s narrow perspective, using the fake name, and later allowing the audio description to rename him after he properly introduces himself. This is one of those examples of a time where I would not have used the name on sight, and honestly something that a better audio description writer should have picked up on. This is not quite the level as telling the audience who Keizer Soze is from the beginning, but it does ruin a gag that the writers of the show went to the trouble to set up, and resolve in the same half hour episode.

I’m enjoying the hot trash that is Pretty Little Liars: Summer School (MAX). I’ve already correctly predicted the killers, in such a direct homage, but I haven’t gotten to the end yet.This was the Hell House episode, where poor Imogene thought she was fighting her mom. no, child, I know who you’re fighting, and this episode sealed the deal. I can’t believe I thought it was going to be some minor character like String Bean, although the killers are minor characters, just not THAT minor.

Queenie (Hulu) finally came to the understanding that she dates garbage men who treat her like garbage. Good for you. Now what are you going to do about it?

Mulligan (Netflix) is still a thing. I’m still watching. It is occasionally funny, but mostly has a really talented voice cast. It’s one of the shows I’m watching I’m not invested in its future, though I’ll probably watch a third season if it happens.

I did check off another episode of That 90’s Show (Netflix), which shows two of our characters hooking up on the low down. I find the new kids to be so dull compared to the others, that I’m just praying they’ll throw enough money at Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis to get them to breeze through at any minute. The few times Wilmer Valderrama popped up in season 1, along with Laura Prepon, kept people watching. Where are the cameos? I would honestly rather watch a show with just Kitty and Red, whose family occasionally comes to visit.

Also, in the “not a current season” list I’ve been catching up on, I watched a Season 3 episode of young Sheldon (MAX)

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