Entertainment Magazine

The Small Screen Diaries: 06/30/24

Posted on the 01 July 2024 by Sirmac2 @macthemovieguy

I was saddened to learn, but not shocked, that Apple Plus will not be giving a conclusion to The Big Door Prize, which is cancelled after two seasons.The second season had just so many loose ends, I wish it had been given a third and final season to wrap up all those open storylines, but that is not the timeline we live in.

Jurassic World: Chaos Theory (Netflix) which I just refuse to binge watch, finally got Ben and Sammie to Yaz, and her perfect commune of dinosaur free living. Then, the bad guys show up, and it turns out they can control a lot more than velociraptors. Yaz may have thought she was safe, but giant predator dinosaurs will breach anything apparently. Not that I think this show would kill off another one of the squad, but you never know. Shoutout to Paula Hoffman for some excellent narration.

I also finished Supacell (Netflix), which I will later give my full thoughts on. I’m trying to balance the diaries, with also reviewing a show, and doing some moderate binge watching of things like Supacell that drop with six episodes, and can be knocked out quick if I actually try. I’ll always do the diaries, for shows that have weekly drops like house Of The Dragon, but it’s a balance. Look forward to more thoughts on Supacell soon.

And I’m pretty close to being able to do that for My Lady Jane (Amazon), which admittedly has more episodes. I’m definitely deep enough in the season where because it just dropped on Thursday, I’m not that comfortable with spoilers. I still would highly recommend this show, as it has grown more and more on me. Some episodes, especially the early ones, could have been shorter, but mid season, they finally hit their stride.

Another person was voted off the GOAT (Amazon), which technically wrapped for people who were up to date. For me, this was episode 4. It’s a fun reality show, and it takes a lot to get me interested in a reality show. Like, I know The mole started a new season, but I couldn’t get into that, especially as a blind person. Just the structure wasn’t fun at all.

Hacks (MAX) saw Debra have to answer for some past jokes that might have been Ok back when she was starting out, but really reflectively were never really OK. It just existed in a time where no one said those jokes probably are supporting negative racial stereotypes. The weirdest moment was when the show just blandly referred to someone in the audio description as a person of color. Is she so ambiguous that she could literally be any ethnicity other than white? If so, I would have probably just said biracial. POC just feels super broad and leaves a giant question mark. Biracial suggests there is an ethnic mix there that doesn’t necessarily equate to easy definition. Biracial doesn’t just mean Black/White, it could mean other combinations as well. It just honors that someone is more than one thing.

I’m totally Ok if MAX doesn’t want to continue Velma. in fact, I need them to cancel it, because I’ll probably still watch a third season, even though it is really not a good show.An interesting swing at reinventing Scooby Doo, but eight episodes in the second season, and I’m really wanting to jump to the end. You know, the original characters did one mystery an episode. Perhaps, it’s not the adult content that fails the show, but rather dragging out a bizarre mystery over a 10 episode season.

The third episode of the Bear (Hulu) had temperatures flaring in the kitchen, but did drop back to a somber note as we started at a funeral. From there, they try Carmine’s wild ideas, and some of them are struggling. Richie has come a long way as a character, and it’s funny how Eben and Ayo are really stealing this show now, and the star feels like a pain in the ass at times. More episodes could change that.

And, that 90’s Show (Netflix) put Kitty in bed. She was there due to a sprained ankle, don’t get weird on me. Meanwhile, Cole seems to be sticking around for a few episodes, which really also gives me hope that our lone gay teen might at some point be able to have an on-screen relationship. Maybe recurring love interests can be a thing. The narration here is international Digital center, narrated by Jamie Lemcheck.

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