Culture Magazine

The Simpsons Challenge – Season 1 – Episode 5 – Bart The General

By Newguy

The Simpsons ChallengeThe Simpsons Challenge – Season 1 – Episode 5 – Bart The General

Season 1

Episode 5 – Bart The General

Plot SynopsisAfter being beaten up by Nelson Muntz one too many times, Bart turns to Grampa for help, and soon leads a rebellion against the school bully.

What is going on reallyIn this episode we see how Lisa makes cakes for her teacher refusing to give the rest of the family including Bart one who is forced to be nice to her just to get one cupcake.

When one of the bullies in the school smashes the cakes Bart stands up for Lisa only to find himself being the victim of Nelson Mutz the school’s big bully. When Nelson threatens Bart the school see him as a hero when Nelson isn’t around but Bart has nightmares about what Nelson will do to him.

Bart takes his beating hoping it will be a one off but Nelson wants to make this a daily routine, this leads to Homer having to be man to man with Bart while Marge wants to go the principal.

When Bart tries to fight back he finds himself back to square one and going to Grandpa Simpson for advice. Grandpa takes Bart to Herman a war veteran used to combat as he leads the rest of the kids in a battle against the bullies with Bart being their General.

Prepared the kids go into battle against the bullies showing how to stand up to the bullies that have tortured them for years with Nelson getting a taste of his own medicine.

Star Character


The Simpsons Challenge – Season 1 – Episode 5 – Bart The General

Final ThoughtsIn this episode we see however much Bart and Lisa fight Bart will always defend her against anyone, this also tackles the problems with bully in its own way with Bart having to stand up for all the kids. This has glimpses of how parents must deal with seeing their child going through bullying. This is a good episode that also shows how kids can get up to trouble over a couple of days too.

Rating 4/5


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