Thursday morning the Master and Kumari-Garu conducted a fire ritual in the basement of Radhamadhavam, the site of the World Teacher Temple, where the seminar takes place and where both are also living – some group members including me too, at the moment. Later the rhythm of seminar lectures and the consultations of the Master continued.

Friday afternoon the group went to Ramadri, the multi-service project in the surroundings of Visakhapatnam. On the way we had a short stop at the Planetary Healing center. The hall was still standing there and in the garden there were the statues of Lord Maitreya and the Buddha but the surroundings had lost the splendour we used to experience in earlier years. Many trees the hurricane 2.5 years ago has swept away; but there was also a change in the ambiance. And in the surrounding area there now are lots of houses – it is no longer the serene little paradise which is still cherished in the minds of those who knew the earlier days.

Ramadri, or Hamsa Vanam, the seat of the Swan of subtle inner pulsation, however, seemed to be more radiant than ever. A long row of shining children eyes were there waiting for us. The children were handing roses to us and then gathered at the little amphitheater while we went around the beautiful site to visit the small temples and the “Gosala” the cow service project at the top of the side. The breathtaking view of the ocean, the well-kept little temples and statues, the small Mithila school for free education of poor children of the surroundings and the spiritual activities have all contributed to build up a strongly vibrating space. And under small little stupas there are millions of “Sri Ram” mantras put into the earth in small stone boxes to anchor the vibration of the sound vibration.

Later, when we sat at the amphitheatre, groups of children gave performances of dance and recitations. It was such a sublime scenery to witness that touched us very deeply. Master Kumar afterwards explained that there are by now 15 service centres of the WTT in the surroundings of Visakhapatnam carrying out different kinds of activities – several schools financed by contributions of the group members, free health and homeo dispensaries, distribution of food and clothes… All is carried out without any publicity, for the welfare of people in need.
After evening prayer we returned to the Retreat Centre in Visakhapatnam.

Sunday morning there was again a fire ritual, a very elaborate one because it was Vaikunta Ekadasi, the 11th moon phase in Capricorn. Master Kumar explained the significance of this moon phase: The 11th moon phase in Capricorn is considered to be very sacred and is also mentioned in Bhagavad Gita. Since Sun in Capricorn is visualised in our body in the higher heart center (upper part of the chest), which is related to the Cosmic Person in us and Moon (representing in this context our consciousness) at this time is around Aries or Taurus and thus is visualised in the head, there is the chance of a good alignment between soul and super-soul and passing over to higher dimensions, to Samadhi.
Monday morning Master Kumar concluded the seminar. Here is an extract of the short talk summarizing the teaching:
“I spoke about the inner alignment. The soul who descended into the human form could regain the association with the Master within and thereby establish the contact once again. Once the contact is established, since he knows the consequences of de-linking he would no more de-link. In the beginning the soul and the super-soul were together. The soul did not realize the importance of linking to the super-soul because he did not know the consequences of de-linking to the super-soul. So he looked into so many forms into creation. When he saw the human form he fell into love with the human form and the super-soul said, yes, you can get in but the form is so attractive that you might forget me. Make sure that you keep contact. The soul thought that they have been friends for so many cycles that he would not forget the connection. But the super-soul knows what illusion is and how this illusion happens. When you are attracted to something this will de-link you from your original association.
The soul thought it would not lose contact with the super-soul. It said, I will ensure that I will keep the contact and the super-soul wished him good luck. When he approached the form he found it very beautiful and forgot already the super-soul and when he entered he forgot the super-soul completely. He experienced a lot of pain and pleasure. We look for pleasure but experience pain. It took so many incarnations to link again, after experiencing the mind, the 5 senses and the experiences with body organs.
The story speaks of the initial incarnations and final incarnations. In between there are so many incarnations. Finally he was incarnated as a princess and had the association to a king who is an initiate who happened to be her husband. That was the last initiation. From him she received much energy, knowledge and the needed impulse to do the needed practices. Consequently she could link up to the Master again. The Master had always been there but in spite of the information that the Master is in us it becomes possible only when it becomes the priority. The Master spoke so many pleasant things, that the soul is no different from the super-soul, he explained the nature of the form and when you enter that you tend to forget me, and that you have to constantly remember be. If you forget me the facility becomes a limitation. If you do not know how to use the facility it becomes a limitation.
So the soul realised and it was much deeper. She was linked to the Master again after having experiences so much pains and pleasures.”
The talk was followed by the Valedictory function. Members of each of the 7 countries present at the group living and Navaneetham of the Indian brotherhood spoke some words – a beautiful kaleidoscope of experiences and expressing their thanks. Afterwards Sri Kumar gave some profound remarks as per what each of the speakers had said.
Then some gifts of clothes were handed over to all the Indian members who had help with the group living and we received from the Master a wooden elephant, as a symbol of wisdom, and a lingam – a stone symbolising the creative energy.
This was the end of the seminar – but I spoke to some of the members and like me none had realised yet with their feeling that it had already come to a close.
In the afternoon we met on the roof terrace of Radhamadhavam for group picture – it was a very joyful get-together and after evening meditation the Master again offered a sumptuous dinner prepared by a hotel.